本文选题:《生活》周刊 + “读者信箱” ; 参考:《黑龙江大学》2011年硕士论文
【摘要】:《生活》周刊是1925年10月11日在上海由黄炎培领导创办,原为中华职业教育社的机关刊物,由王志莘任主编。1926年10月24日,第2卷1期起,由邹韬奋接任《生活》周刊主编,并开设“读者信箱”专栏,帮助读者解决生活上和精神上遇到的困难。 本文主要是以《生活》周刊“读者信箱”专栏作为一个独立的研究对象,对其内容进行分析,以此来窥视20世纪二、三十年代中国的社会环境下,读者们所遇到的婚恋、教育、人生及社会问题;同时,韬奋的回复也反映出他对于这类问题的观点和态度。 对于“读者信箱”的研究,笔者以九·一八事变为分界点,对信箱内容进行时间上的分切。九·一八事变前,处于常态环境下的信箱内容较丰富,各类问题的来信均有涉及,而编者韬奋的回复也具有一定的启蒙与教化色彩;九·一八事变后,社会处于一种非常态的状态,信箱的内容也有着相应的变化,从前期丰富的内容题材变为了单一的发表抗日救亡问题的园地,信箱的启蒙色彩减弱,但它的战斗性在增强。 此外,对于信箱的研究,还可以更好的总结信箱专栏在处理编者和读者关系上所取得的成功。这些宝贵的编读互动成功的经验,对于今天的期刊编辑仍有值得借鉴的意义!
[Abstract]:"Life" Weekly was founded in Shanghai on October 11, 1925, under the leadership of Huang Yanpei, formerly the official publication of the Chinese Vocational Education Society, and edited by Wang Zhixin. On October 24, 1926, Volume 2, issue 1, Zou Taofen took over as editor of "Life" Weekly. And open a "reader's mailbox" column to help readers solve life and spiritual difficulties. This article mainly takes "Reader's mailbox" column of "Life" Weekly as an independent research object, carries on the analysis to its content, in order to peep at the Chinese social environment in the twenties and thirties of the 20th century, the reader meets the marriage, the education, Life and social problems; at the same time, Taofen's response also reflects his views and attitudes on such issues. For the study of readers' mailbox, the author divides the contents of mail box in time with the 9 / 18 incident as the dividing point. Before the September 18 incident, the mailboxes in the normal environment were relatively rich in content, letters of various kinds were involved, and the editor's response to the incident had a certain color of enlightenment and enlightenment; after the September 18 incident, The society is in an abnormal state, and the contents of the mailbox also have corresponding changes, from the rich content of the early period into a single garden to publish the issue of anti-Japanese salvation. The enlightening color of the mailbox is weakened, but its combat character is strengthened. In addition, the research on mailbox can better summarize the success of mailbox column in dealing with the relationship between editor and reader. These valuable editing and reading interactive successful experience, for today's journal editors are still worthy of reference!
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