[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, great changes have taken place in the development environment of China's publishing industry. After China's entry into the WTO, a large number of foreign publishing companies have poured in, which has caused great competition pressure to the Chinese publishing industry. Information technology for the development of the book publishing industry to create a new technological environment and so on. China's publishing industry has taken corresponding measures to cope with new opportunities and challenges, such as setting up publishing groups, speeding up the pace of new technology application and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to further deepen the reform, promote industrial structure adjustment and upgrade, promote institutional mechanism and management innovation. The research method of this paper is based on empirical evidence, using literature research method, content analysis method, describing and revealing the development track of China's publishing industry, using qualitative and quantitative methods, This paper makes a detailed anatomical analysis on the present situation of the structure of the publishing industry in our country, and by means of analogy, induction and deduction, clarifies the direction of the development of our country's publishing industry and the strategic choice of the actual operation. The first chapter of this paper analyzes the research background and significance, combs and reviews the current research situation at home and abroad, and expounds the basic ideas, methods, purposes and innovations of the topic. The second chapter is the theoretical support part of this paper, the main content of the industrial structure, the properties and basic characteristics of the publishing industry, the elements of the publishing industry structure are analyzed, and its basic theory is summarized. The third chapter analyzes the history of the restructuring of the publishing industry in China, the main problems, and makes a detailed analysis of the reasons; in addition, it also analyzes the impact of the American financial crisis on the publishing industry in China. The fourth chapter analyzes the present situation of the publishing industry structure in the western developed countries, and makes a comparative analysis of it. In addition, it also analyzes the influence of the previous two financial crises on the publishing industry. On the basis of the above analysis, the fifth chapter puts forward the countermeasures and suggestions to speed up the adjustment of China's publishing industry structure under the new situation.
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