[Abstract]:Literary and artistic supplements played a role of reflecting social changes, political and economic structure and social collective consciousness in different ages, and at the same time, influenced by the latter, they adjusted or changed their own forms. Based on the views and theories of media ecology, this paper focuses on the interaction between social and environmental factors and literary supplement on the eve of 1987. On the eve of 1987, the political loosening in Taiwan brought about the pluralistic development of literary supplement. Economically, due to the importance of newspaper distribution competition and capital conversion, the literary supplement gradually takes the drive of social trends as its own responsibility; in culture, it breaks through the existing paradigm and moves towards the new realm of cultural supplement; technically, it optimizes the visual effect of the layout. At this time, the literary supplement played a powerful role in shaping the social collective consciousness of the media, and highlighted the history of the supplement communication affecting social changes.
【作者单位】: 广西大学新闻传播学院;
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