[Abstract]:The standardization and fair management of academic journals is an important guarantee for academic progress. If the editorial departments prefer some organizations or groups and employ "relational manuscripts" in large numbers, academic progress will be seriously hindered. Based on bibliometrics analysis of more than 19,000 academic papers published in 12 authoritative journals of Chinese economics from 2001 to 2012, It is found that the editorial department of the authoritative journal of Chinese economics prefers the citation rate of the relation manuscript formed by the researchers of the affiliated units of the journal will be 15.22and the download rate will be lower than that of the other papers, and the download rate will be lower by 8.3 percent. The further analysis shows that the phenomenon of "relation draft" discount has been alleviated in recent years, and the standardization and fairness of authoritative journals of Chinese economics have been improved.
【作者单位】: 上海财经大学公共经济与管理学院;北京大学数字金融研究中心;上海商学院商务经济学院;
【基金】:国家社会科学基金青年项目(16CJY065) 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2015M580901)的资助
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