[Abstract]:The influence factors play an important role in the citation analysis and are important indexes in the periodical quality evaluation system provided by JCR, which directly reflects the influence of journals. With the continuous application, more and more attention has been paid to the impact factors, and the guiding role in the scientific research related industries has been increasing, and the size of the journal impact factors will change every year. Therefore, to understand the trend of influencing factors of SCI journals in advance is a great help to relevant researchers. Grey system is a system with incomplete information. It can mine the rules by analyzing the existing data, including the correlation of various factors in the data and the measure of the quantity, and then using the grey data mapping method to deal with the random quantity. In order to deepen the understanding of the system, and finally excavate the inherent system changes. In this paper, the GM (1 / 1) model of grey system theory is used to analyze the change trend of influencing factors in 13 major disciplines and mathematics of SCI periodicals, and 13 major subjects and mathematics of SCI periodicals are obtained. According to the fitting model, the change of influence factors of 13 major subjects and mathematics and oncology in the next few years is predicted. It is helpful to predict the influence factors of sci-tech periodicals in advance: to calculate the influence factors of the target periodicals in the new year and beyond by using the prediction method, which is helpful for editors to grasp the changing trend of the influence of sci-tech periodicals; The application of prediction method to predict the influence factors of periodicals in advance is helpful to improve the accuracy of information analysis and prediction, to improve the timeliness, pertinence and effectiveness of work services, to apply the prediction method, to improve the accuracy of information analysis and prediction, to improve the effectiveness, pertinence and effectiveness of work services. Predicting the influence factors of journals in advance will help to improve the rationality of scientific research performance evaluation for researchers, and the application of prediction methods to predict the influence factors of periodicals in advance will help to improve the pertinence of contributions by researchers. Effectiveness, etc. At the same time, many problems in application are exposed as more and more factors are applied. For example, when evaluating the quality of journals and papers by using the influence factors, it is reasonable to use the influence factors to evaluate the papers in the same subject research field when the publication time is close. If the time before and after the difference is too large, the evaluation is unreasonable. However, for different disciplines, due to different academic environment, research group size and other factors, only a single impact factor is used as the evaluation criteria for the academic influence of interdisciplinary research field. Its rationality and scientific nature have long been questioned by the industry. In this paper, the fitting data are obtained by using the grey system GM (1K1) model. From the mean of the data, we can see that there are obvious differences among the 13 major classes and between the mathematical subclasses and the oncology, and the rank sum test is carried out on 13 major disciplines. And the T-test of two independent samples between mathematical subclasses and oncology shows that the difference is statistically significant, which further indicates that there are differences in the size of influence factors in different disciplines. Therefore, it is not scientific to use a single influence factor as the evaluation criterion of academic influence in interdisciplinary research field.
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