[Abstract]:The use of commas and tongues between English characters and Arabic numerals in Chinese scientific papers and the marking of English books and periodicals have been controversial, but there is no specific regulation in the national standard. There are also more errors in the use of English ellipses. These problems have caused great confusion to the editing work of sci-tech periodicals and reduced the editing quality of periodicals. Based on the investigation of the journals of 10 natural science universities in L province and the reference of the existing literature, it is determined that the English characters and Arabic numerals can only be separated by commas. At the same time, some suggestions on the use of English ellipsis are put forward. In addition, it is suggested that the titles of English books and articles in Chinese scientific and technological papers should be marked by book names, not italics.
【作者单位】: 《辽东学院学报(自然科学版)》编辑部;
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