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发布时间:2018-09-13 16:53
【摘要】:“畅销书”有狭义与广义之分。狭义的“畅销书”,是指在图书市场中通过读者的购买行为而产生的畅销书;广义的“畅销书”,既可以是在图书市场中通过读者的购买行为而产生,也可以是通过行政手段发放或摊派而产生。畅销书的本质是,在一定的时间里迅速形成了对某类或某种图书的群体性追捧、阅读的社会行为。只要具备这一特点,任何图书都可以视为畅销书。图书的畅销,不仅是经济现象,而且是政治现象、文化现象,在素来重视政治、文化的中国更是如此。拙文以广义畅销书为视野,对中华人民共和国建立以来40年间(有时酌情延伸至1989年以后)畅销书的出版传播活动进行纵向研究。 新中国40年间畅销书的出版传播可以划分为五个历史时期:1949.10—1957.5,1957.6—1966.4,1966.5—1976.10,1976.11—1982.9,1982.10—1989.5。每个历史时期具有不同的历史特征与历史主题。受此制约,每个历史时期畅销书出版传播的特点及其形成的历史原因各不相同,每个历史时期出版的畅销书所产生的历史作用、影响也各不相同。 1949.10—1957.5,是中国社会制度发生转变的时期——从新民主主义社会过渡到社会主义社会的时期。这一时期的畅销书出版传播具有以下特点:文学畅销书的出版传播丰富多彩,俄苏译著的大量出版与畅销成为时代标签,爱情与性知识图书的出版传播热成了奇特风景。废旧立新、蓬勃向上、“多元并举”、“百花齐放”的时代精神,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播整体上呈现生动活泼的气象。例如,20世纪50年代尤其50年代的早期、中期,文学畅销书的出版传播丰富多彩。革命文学图书成为文学畅销书出版传播的主干,中国古典文学图书、以新中国建立前进步作家的作品为代表的中国现代文学图书乃至西方资本主义文学图书的出版传播也都枝繁叶茂,这是20世纪60年代前期难得一见,更是“文革”时期根本见不到的现象。根本原因在于当时意识形态对文艺的控制比较宽松。革命文学图书的空前畅销产生了巨大影响:培植了广大民众的革命英雄崇拜情结,传播了爱国、爱共产党、爱人民,反侵略、反压迫、反剥削的主流价值观。 1957.6—1966.4,是中国开始全面建设社会主义的探索时期。这一时期的畅销书出版传播发生了新的变化:中国革命文学图书继续大量出版发行但遭受挫折,苏联译著的出版传播暗淡下来;和平年代英模事迹畅销书骤然增多,影响巨大;阶级教育畅销书的出版传播热前所未有;科学技术尤其是中医药畅销书成为图书市场一道亮丽风景。“斗志昂扬”、“火药弥散”的时代特征,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播呈现曲折发展的态势。例如,从20世纪50年代末起,中国引进出版的俄苏译著急剧减少,1960年之后几乎绝迹。这是1956年后中苏关系日益恶化的必然产物,也是中国翻译界、出版界有意识地破除对苏联的迷信之反映;1963.4—1964.11,专门的阶级教育读物纷纷出版并广为流传,这是当时阶级斗争迅速扩大化的直接表现,是社会主义教育运动对图书出版业提出的必然要求。专门的阶级教育读物使青少年儿童增强了阶级观念,提高了革命警惕性,但历史尘埃落定之后,就会发现,这种畅销书为“左”倾错误的蔓延起到了推波助澜的作用,让仇恨的种子种植于稚嫩、纯洁的少年儿童的心灵。 1966.5—1976.10(“文革”时期),是中华民族历史上罕见的疯狂年代,是新中国建立以来的噩梦岁月。这一时期畅销书出版传播的特点是:毛泽东著作泛滥成“灾”,“大批判”文集铺天盖地,“样板戏”图书独一无二,浩然作品的畅销成为奇迹,“赤脚医生”图书成为时代标志。迷信盛行、万马齐喑的时代特点,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播呈现畸形、扭曲的局面——品种极其单一,极不平衡。例如,这一时期,毛泽东著作的出版发行发展到疯狂的地步,这是因为:“文革”开始后出版发行毛泽东著作成为压倒一切的政治任务,林彪对毛泽东著作别有用心的鼓吹与奉承,人们盲目崇拜毛泽东。“文革”时期疯狂出版发行毛泽东著作,加剧了个人崇拜,强化了现代迷信,为林彪捞取了政治资本,客观上在一定程度上起到了传播知识的作用。科学技术图书是“文革”时期的一大畅销板块,最具个性的科学技术图书是“赤脚医生”图书。“赤脚医生”图书大量出版发行的基本原因是:贯彻毛泽东“把医疗卫生工作的重点放到农村去”的指示,响应毛泽东“备战、备荒、为人民”的号召。“赤脚医生”图书是“赤脚医生”获得医药知识的重要途径,甚至成了他们现学现用、现查现医的救急书。 1976.11—1982.9,是拨乱反正时期,是从以阶级斗争为纲的时代向以经济建设为中心的改革开放时代的过渡时期。这一时期的畅销书出版传播具有以下特点:严重“书荒”之后国民“大补”文学名著,文化教育图书猛然增多并形成销售热潮,以拨乱反正为主题的一批畅销书应运而生,出现了工具书、通俗文学作品、日常生活图书、经济图书和少儿读物的出版传播热。拔乱反正、初步改革的历史主题,解放思想、渴望知识的时代精神,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播呈现丰富多彩、生动活泼的景象。例如,文化教育图书空前畅销,这是1977年恢复高考后全社会重视教育、崇尚知识、尊重人才的体现。这一时期出版的中小学教辅、大中专教材和工具书等方面的畅销书,极大地促进了教育的恢复与发展,广泛地传播了文化科技知识。这一时期出版的最具轰动效应的文学畅销书是《第二次握手》,它突破了“文革”时期强加于文艺创作的清规戒律,解放了思想,解放了人性,推动了拨乱反正,促进了科技发展。 1982.10—1989.5,是改革开放全面展开、向纵深发展时期。这一时期的畅销书出版传播具有以下特点:邓小平著作发行量巨大;经济学著作、教材继续热销;法律图书的出版传播开始掀起了高潮;金庸的武侠小说与琼瑶的言情小说如火山般爆发;严肃文学作品与通俗文学作品分庭抗礼;西方人文社会科学著作大行其道。改革开放、思想启蒙的历史主题,使这一时期的畅销书出版传播呈现波澜壮阔、气象万千的景象。这是国民阅读的沸腾岁月,是图书出版传播的黄金时代。例如,1979—1989,经济学著作、教材纷纷出版并畅销起来,原因在于:高等院校的恢复与高等教育的发展,为经济学教材提供了稳定的读者群;经济的调整、发展与经济体制改革的日益推进,为经济学著作、教材的出版传播提供了直接的推动力;拨乱反正、改革开放的时代主题,为经济学著作、教材的面世与流行创造了宽松的政治环境;行政力量的参与和媒体的宣传,让经济学著作、教材的流传如虎添翼。经济学畅销教材、著作推动了经济体制改革,促进了经济的发展,为经济学人才的培养做出了重要贡献,也增加了人民群众的经济收入。20世纪80年代中后期,以金庸与琼瑶的小说为代表的港台通俗文学作品的出版传播如火山般爆发,这是由于:从1984年下半年开始,以城市为中心的改革全面铺开,形成了庞大的农民工群体和市民阶层;从1985年开始,以市场为取向的出版经营体制改革有了实质性突破,迫使出版社不得不重视经济效益;版权保护意识的缺乏,民营书业的兴起,客观上促进了琼瑶与金庸小说出版传播的繁荣;金庸与琼瑶的小说契合了20世纪80年代中国人的审美需要和阅读心理。以金庸和琼瑶的小说为代表的港台通俗文学畅销书,解放了国人的人性,为大众提供了文化营养,促使编辑出版人员开始转变观念,推动了中国大陆本土通俗文学的发展。在20世纪80年代,晦涩难懂的西方人文社会科学译著也大行其道,这是现代化建设的需要,是启蒙的需要,是协作出版结下的硕果。西方人文社会科学畅销书对中国人(尤其是知识分子、大学生)起到了思想启蒙的作用,而且泽惠于后世,成为中国现代化建设的宝贵精神资源。 “文革”结束以前和改革开放以后,畅销书在传播者、传播内容、传播渠道、受众、传播效果五个方面有着明显的区别。例如,就传播内容而言,“文革”结束前,主要流行政治理论读物和革命文学作品,而改革开放后,主要流传文化教育读物、经济读物和娱乐休闲读物。就文学畅销书而言,“文革”结束前,革命文学经典、俄苏文学作品洛阳纸贵,而改革开放后,港台文学作品、西方文学作品风行中国。在新中国40年间,最稳定的两类畅销书是政治理论类和科学技术类,起伏最大的两类畅销书是文学类和文化教育类。 新中国畅销书的出版传播与时代变迁之间具有密切关系。一方面,时代制约着、决定着畅销书,另一方面,畅销书反映着时代、影响着时代。前者是指,畅销书是时代的产物。时代的迫切需要催生了体现这种时代要求的畅销书,时代创造了某种图书得以畅销的条件。时代的特点与需要,决定着畅销书的选题结构,决定着畅销书的主题与功能,决定着畅销书的文本。畅销书的出版传播依托于时代、依赖于时代;后者是指,一定时代的畅销书体现该时代的历史特征、历史主题,映射该时代的社会心理、大众心态,体现该时代的政治、意识形态的要求,体现该时代经济发展的特点,体现该时代国民的知识水平、思维水准与精神高度。图书的畅销又影响着时代的发展,或是推动社会发展,或是阻碍历史前进。总之,时代作用于畅销书,畅销书又反作用于时代,即畅销书离不开时代,时代又呼唤畅销书。 畅销书是时代的符号、标志,是反映历史特征、历史主题的载体,是记录时代精神、大众心态的媒介。畅销书是社会变化的睛雨表,是时代变迁的映射,是观察历史发展的窗口。因而,畅销书嬗变的过程,折射出时代变迁、社会演变的轨迹;畅销书的文本,浓缩了所在时代的政治、经济、社会心理的面貌与国民的阅读水准。新中国畅销书的出版传播史,是新中国时代变迁、社会发展的缩影。勾勒新中国畅销书的历史嬗变,剖析其形成的历史原因,分析其产生的历史作用、影响,解读其文本(包括内容与形式),是考察新中国时代变迁、社会发展的特点与规律的非常有效的途径。
[Abstract]:Best-sellers can be divided into narrow sense and broad sense. The narrow sense of "best-sellers" refers to the best-sellers produced through the purchasing behavior of readers in the book market; the broad sense of "best-sellers" can be produced either through the purchasing behavior of readers in the book market, or through administrative means of distribution or apportionment. Essentially, in a certain period of time, a social behavior of mass pursuit and reading of a certain kind or a certain kind of book has rapidly formed. Any book can be regarded as a best-seller if it has this characteristic. This paper makes a longitudinal study of the publication and dissemination of best-sellers in the 40 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China (sometimes extended to 1989 as appropriate).
The publication and dissemination of bestsellers in New China in the past 40 years can be divided into five historical periods: 1949.10-1957.5, 1957.6-1966.4, 1966.5-1976.10, 1976.11-1982.9, 1982.10-1989.5. Each historical period has its own historical characteristics and historical themes. Historical reasons vary, and the historical effects of bestsellers published in each historical period vary.
From October 1949 to May 1957, China's social system changed from a new democratic society to a socialist society. The publishing and dissemination of best-sellers in this period had the following characteristics: the publishing and dissemination of literary best-sellers were rich and colorful, the mass publishing and bestselling of Russian-Soviet translations became the label of the times, love and sexual knowledge. The publishing and disseminating craze of books has become a peculiar scenery.The spirit of the times of "combining old and new, flourishing, pluralistic and flourishing" has made the publishing and disseminating of best-sellers in this period vivid and lively on the whole.For example, the publishing and disseminating of literary best-sellers in the 1950s, especially in the early and mid-1950s, was rich and colorful. Life literature books have become the backbone of literary bestsellers'publishing and dissemination. Chinese classical literature books, represented by the works of progressive writers in the founding of New China, as well as the publishing and dissemination of modern Chinese literature books and even western capitalist literature books are also flourishing. This is rare in the early 1960s, but also the root of the "Cultural Revolution" period. The fundamental reason lies in the loose ideological control over literature and art at that time. The unprecedented popularity of revolutionary literature books had a tremendous impact: cultivating the revolutionary hero worship complex of the broad masses of the people, spreading the mainstream values of patriotism, patriotism, communism, patriotism, anti-aggression, anti-oppression and anti-exploitation.
From 1957.6 to 1966.4, China began to explore the period of building socialism in an all-round way. The publishing and dissemination of best-sellers in class education is unprecedented; science and technology, especially the best-selling books of traditional Chinese medicine, have become a brilliant scene in the book market. The number of Russian-Soviet translations declined sharply and almost disappeared after 1960. This was the inevitable result of the deterioration of Sino-Soviet relations after 1956, and also the reflection of the superstition of the Soviet Union consciously broken by the Chinese translation circle. From April 1963 to November 1964, specialized class education books were published and widely circulated, which was the rapid expansion of class struggle at that time. The direct manifestation of the enlargement is the inevitable requirement of the socialist education movement for the book publishing industry. Specialized class education books enhance the class concept of young children and raise their revolutionary vigilance. But when the dust of history settles down, it will be found that this bestseller has contributed to the spread of "Left" dumping errors. Let the seeds of hatred grow in the hearts of young, pure children.
The period from 1966.5 to 1976.10 (the Cultural Revolution) was a rare crazy period in the history of the Chinese nation and a nightmare period since the founding of New China. For a miracle, the book "Barefoot Doctor" became a symbol of the times. Superstition prevailed and the characteristics of the times were so great that the publication and dissemination of the best-sellers in this period were deformed and distorted. The variety was extremely single and unbalanced. For example, the publication and distribution of Mao Zedong's works went crazy during this period because: "Cultural Revolution" "Publishing and issuing Mao Zedong's works became an overwhelming political task after the beginning. Lin Biao advocated and flattered Mao Zedong's works with ulterior motives. People worshiped Mao Zedong blindly. The crazy publishing and issuing of Mao Zedong's works during the"Cultural Revolution"intensified personal worship, strengthened modern superstition, and drew political capital for Lin Biao. Scientific and technological books are the best-selling plates in the period of the Cultural Revolution, and the most individualized scientific and technological books are the barefoot doctor's books. The basic reason for the large number of barefoot doctor's books published is to carry out Mao Zedong's "putting the focus of medical and health work in the countryside" In response to Mao Zedong's call to "prepare for war, prepare for famine and serve the people", barefoot doctors'books are an important way for barefoot doctors to acquire medical knowledge, and even become urgent letters for them to learn and use at present.
The period from November 1976 to September 1982 was a transitional period from an era of class struggle to an era of reform and opening-up centered on economic construction. A number of bestsellers with the theme of getting rid of chaos emerged at the historic moment. The publishing and disseminating of reference books, popular literature works, daily life books, economic books and children's books became popular. For example, the cultural and educational books are selling well unprecedentedly, which is the reflection of the society's emphasis on education, knowledge and respect for talents after the resumption of the college entrance examination in 1977. The most sensational literary bestseller published in this period was the Second Handshake, which broke through the rules and regulations imposed on literary and artistic creation during the Cultural Revolution, emancipated the mind, liberated humanity, promoted the rectification of chaos, and promoted the development of science and technology.
From October 1982 to May 1989, the period of reform and opening-up was a period of comprehensive development. The publication and dissemination of best-selling books in this period had the following characteristics: Deng Xiaoping's publications had a huge circulation; economic books and teaching materials continued to be popular; the publication and dissemination of legal books began to set off a climax; Jin Yong's martial arts novels and Qiong Yao's romantic novels were like volcanoes. The historical theme of reform and opening-up and ideological enlightenment made the publishing and dissemination of bestsellers in this period present a magnificent scene. This is the boiling years of national reading and the golden time of book publishing and dissemination. For example, from 1979 to 1989, economics books and textbooks were published and sold well in succession, because the recovery of colleges and universities and the development of higher education provided a stable readership of economics textbooks; the economic adjustment, development and the increasing promotion of economic system reform provided a direct basis for the publication and dissemination of economics books and textbooks. The theme of the times of reform and opening-up creates a relaxed political environment for the publication and popularity of economic books and textbooks; the participation of administrative forces and the publicity of the media make the spread of economic books and textbooks more powerful. In the mid and late 1980s, the publication and dissemination of popular literature in Hong Kong and Taiwan, represented by Jin Yong's and Qiong Yao's novels, erupted like a volcano. This was due to the fact that since the second half of 1984, the city-centered reform has been carried out in an all-round way and formed. Since 1985, the reform of the market-oriented publishing management system has made substantial breakthroughs, forcing publishers to attach importance to economic benefits; the lack of awareness of copyright protection and the rise of private book industry have objectively promoted the prosperity of the publishing and dissemination of novels by Qiong Yao and Jin Yong; and Jin Yong and Qiong. Yao's novels meet the aesthetic needs and reading psychology of the Chinese people in the 1980s. The best-selling books of popular literature in Hong Kong and Taiwan, represented by the novels of Jin Yong and Qiong Yao, have liberated the human nature of the Chinese people, provided cultural nourishment for the masses, prompted editors and publishers to change their ideas and promoted the development of popular literature in mainland China. In the 1980s, obscure translations of Western humanities and Social Sciences became popular, which were the needs of modernization, enlightenment and the fruits of collaborative publishing. The precious spiritual resources of China's modernization drive.
Before the end of the Cultural Revolution and after the reform and opening-up, bestsellers differed significantly in five aspects: disseminator, content, channel, audience and effect of dissemination. For example, before the end of the Cultural Revolution, there were mainly popular political theory books and revolutionary literary works, but after the reform and opening-up, there were mainly cultural and educational books. Before the end of the Cultural Revolution, the classics of revolutionary literature and the works of Russian and Soviet literature in Luoyang were expensive. After the reform and opening up, the literary works of Hong Kong, Taiwan and the western literature became popular in China. In the 40 years of New China, the two most stable best-sellers were political theory and science and technology, with the greatest ups and downs. The two best sellers are literature and culture education.
There is a close relationship between the publication and dissemination of the best-sellers in New China and the changes of the times. On the one hand, the times restrict and decide the best-sellers. On the other hand, the best-sellers reflect the times and influence the times. The former means that the best-sellers are the products of the times. The characteristics and needs of the times determine the topic structure of bestsellers, the theme and function of bestsellers, and the text of bestsellers. It reflects the social psychology and public mentality of the times, reflects the political and ideological requirements of the times, reflects the characteristics of the economic development of the times, reflects the level of knowledge, thinking and spirit of the people of the times. For bestsellers, Bestsellers are counterproductive in the era of bestsellers, which are inseparable from the times.
Bestsellers are symbols of the times.


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2 钱元元;;浅议出版传播的大众化和分众化趋向[A];中国编辑研究(2008)[C];2009年

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