[Abstract]:In the early 20 th century, China was influenced by foreign plate making, binding and printing technology in printing and publishing. The form of book art has also changed greatly. The change of book binding form is in the period of changing from the main line form used in Ming and Qing dynasties to the modern lead print paperback form. Before and after the development of the "May 4th" New Culture Movement, and the influence of the cultural debate between the New Culture School and the Oriental Cultural School on the domestic literary and artistic thinking, the design thought of book binding design evolved. This has entered a new situation of collision and integration of Chinese and western design ideas. It not only enriches the types of books, breaks the old craft tradition in the thinking of shape and binding design, but also inherits the advantages of the traditional book design methods and ideas. From the science and technology to the artistic design thought presents the Chinese and the western combination scene. Among them, literary celebrities and design practitioners represented the book covers designed by themselves. With their profound cultural background and aesthetic awareness, they created a large number of outstanding books and clothing works with rich personalities. Book binding design in the early 20th century formed the early modern book design form and modern design ideas with progressive significance. This progressive modern design thought is a reflection of the current social situation and cultural thought at that time, which is of certain value to the study of the design ideas of the Republic of China today. To study the current situation of the spread and influence of the western culture and design thought in China, and observe the relationship between the book design during the Republic of China and the development of the book design in Asia at that time. It is of great significance to reunderstand the past, present and future of Chinese book binding design thought, and to promote the subjectivity of Chinese design thought in the era of globalization.
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