[Abstract]:[objective] to study the difficulties faced by university journal experts in the course of running journals and the countermeasures to solve them, so as to arouse the attention and support of the competent departments and sponsors of university journals. [methods] combining with the author's practice of running journals in colleges and universities for more than 20 years, Using telephone interview and QQ, WeChat communication methods. [results] the main difficulties faced by university journal experts in running journals are as follows: first, it is difficult to guarantee the running time and energy, secondly, the editing business is not familiar enough; Third, the ability of organization and management is not strong. [conclusion] College journal experts have unique advantages in organizing manuscripts, controlling academic quality, expanding the social impact of periodicals, and so on. Their running journals plays a huge role in promoting the quality of university journals. Four countermeasures can be taken to solve the dilemma: one is to undertake the task of teaching and scientific research in moderation; the other is to strengthen the study of editing and publishing business; the third is to improve the level of organization and management; and the fourth is to adopt the mode of "special editing and combining" to run journals.
【作者单位】: 贵州大学学报编辑部;
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