[Abstract]:[objective] on the basis of combing the theoretical achievements and concrete practice of data publishing at home and abroad, this paper clarifies the key issues involved in data publishing from the angle of academic communication, including the concept and connotation of data publishing, and its specific forms. [methods] A qualitative approach was used to analyse the similarities and differences between data publishing and traditional paper publishing, as well as the theoretical and practical challenges posed by these differences. [results] the study found that data publishing is more than just the sharing of data itself, Publication of data related information should also be included. The publishing subject is diversified, and the publishing process involves multi-subject cooperation. The publishing mode includes not only the control mode of the publishing organization, but also the control mode of the non-publishing institution and the mixed mode. [conclusion] the main obstacle of the current data publishing is the failure of the function of "reward and punishment" of the data publishing academic due to the lack of ethical norms. There is an urgent need to establish ethical norms for data publishing, to standardize the mechanism of manuscripts, to standardize data citations and metadata standards, and to incorporate data publishing into the academic communication system through these norms.
【作者单位】: 重庆大学新闻学院;
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