发布时间:2018-11-07 13:54
[Abstract]:The original textbook is compiled by the top preschool education experts in China. Compared with the similar teaching materials, this set of textbooks has three characteristics: 1. The famous teacher creates, the idea is advanced. The teaching material is carefully created by the famous preschool education experts in China, strictly practicing the preschool education concept, practicing the orientation of practice and lifelong learning, leading the future preschool teachers to respect the rights and interests of the children, and to follow the law of the child's physical and mental development. Cultivate their love of education, with professional ideals, conscientiously fulfill the professional ethics of pre-school teachers quality. 2. Scientific and systematic. The teaching materials are strictly in accordance with the "Professional Standards for Kindergarten Teachers" and "Curriculum Standards for Teachers' Education".
[Abstract]:The original textbook is compiled by the top preschool education experts in China. Compared with the similar teaching materials, this set of textbooks has three characteristics: 1. The famous teacher creates, the idea is advanced. The teaching material is carefully created by the famous preschool education experts in China, strictly practicing the preschool education concept, practicing the orientation of practice and lifelong learning, leading the future preschool teachers to respect the rights and interests of the children, and to follow the law of the child's physical and mental development. Cultivate their love of education, with professional ideals, conscientiously fulfill the professional ethics of pre-school teachers quality. 2. Scientific and systematic. The teaching materials are strictly in accordance with the "Professional Standards for Kindergarten Teachers" and "Curriculum Standards for Teachers' Education".
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