[Abstract]:Facing the challenges and opportunities brought by digitization and informatization, the traditional news and publishing industry can only realize the leap and development by taking the initiative to carry out the digitization transformation and upgrading. Developing digital transformation and upgrading is the objective need to further consolidate the press and publication industry as the main cultural position and the main force position. It is also an important way to seize the commanding height of future development and participate in international competition. At present, the press and publication industry already has the thought foundation, the technical foundation, the organization foundation and the work foundation to realize the overall transformation and upgrade, but also exists the resources aggregation degree is not high, the profession information data system is not perfect, Unbalanced allocation of technical equipment, inadequate application of new technologies and standards, unclear profit models in the market, and high-end people
【作者单位】: 国家新闻出版广电总局数字出版司;
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