[Abstract]:As an important part of cultural industry, publishing plays an irreplaceable role in spreading human civilization and promoting social progress. For a long time, the publishing industry of our country is highly controlled by the state, the market has strong regional monopoly and the degree of product homogeneity is high. The publishing enterprise lacks market consciousness and competition consciousness. After China's entry into WTO, it has become an inevitable choice for the development of China's publishing industry to take the road of industrialization. The government has stepped up the reform of the cultural industry, including the publishing industry, in the global financial crisis. The government launched the "Plan for the Revitalization of the Cultural Industry," in which small and medium-sized publishing houses, which account for more than 70% of the number of publishing houses in the country, were quickly pushed into the market competition environment in a short period of time. Against this background, The medium and small press how to formulate own development strategy has become the important topic. The main results are as follows: first, the growth strategy is the best choice for FY Publishing House. Second, put forward the basic path to achieve the strategic objectives. Third, it puts forward three enlightenments on the implementation of strategy. Fourth, it points out the important role of corporate culture in the implementation of strategy. This paper takes FY Publishing House as a case study, applies the theory and thought of strategic management, formulates the development strategy of FY Publishing House, and determines the corresponding strategic implementation activities according to the development strategy. It is of great significance for the small and medium-sized publishing enterprises to make strategic decision-making at the present stage. The logical framework of this paper is mainly composed of three parts: internal and external environment analysis, strategic analysis and strategy formulation, strategy implementation and control. Firstly, PEST analysis, five-force model, radar map analysis, CPM analysis, EFE matrix, IFE matrix are used. The internal and external environment is analyzed and the strategic goal is established. Then, using SOWT analysis and IE matrix analysis, two alternative strategies are produced. Further, QSPM analysis is used to determine the growth development strategy. Finally, the implementation and control of this strategy are expounded.
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