[Abstract]:[objective] to provide a standard process for dealing with conflicts of interest in domestic journals with reference to foreign cases. [methods] A case study on typical cases of conflicts of interest in journals such as NEJM,Chest,Translational Neurodegeneration is made, aiming at the possible undisclosed conflicts of interest. Develop different processing processes and outcomes in conjunction with the standard recommendations of the Publishing Ethics Committee, It also puts forward the methods of preventing and avoiding conflicts of interest. [results] the process and the concrete treatment results of the undisclosed conflicts of interest found in the manuscript review stage and the undisclosed conflicts of interest in the papers are found after publication. Processing results include publication of draft withdrawal, corrections, statements of concern, and so on. It also puts forward that academic journals should pay more attention to the conflicts of interest involved in the papers and formulate relevant norms and policies. Promote authors' understanding of conflicts of interest and guide them to actively disclose conflicts of interest in order to prevent and circumvent conflicts of interest. [conclusion] Medical journals, editors should standardize and improve relevant regulations and procedures for conflict of interest. To promote the internationalization of periodicals.
【作者单位】: 重庆市卫生信息中心《重庆医学》编辑部;重庆市卫生信息中心总编室;
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