[Abstract]:The "Tianjin Mode" of exploring the Innovation of China's Rural Broadcasting system-Tianjin Rural Broadcasting, the Radio works of Tianjin District and County Union "has recently been published and released by Baihua Literature and Art Publishing House." This collection brings together the first-hand experience of Tianjin Rural Radio, the Tianjin District and County Union Radio Editor who went deep into the countryside to carry out interviews and reports, and a true record of Tianjin Rural Radio. The footprints and experiences of the radio editors and broadcasters of the Tianjin District and County Union who grew up in the practice of grassroots news, and attached many wonderful pictures of the activities of the "five downtowns" carried out by various channels. The Tianjin District and County Union broadcast on December 30, 2006, was broadcast in Tianjin District and County Union. In the absence of government intervention, without executive orders, from within the broadcasting industry
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