[Abstract]:Books and publishing activities play an important role in the field of social life. All along, books, newspapers and publishing activities have become the driving force of social development, but also the symbol of the level of national civilization in every country. At the same time, books are also a tool to introduce and maintain national culture and cultural exchange between nations and countries, so books and publishing activities have a great impact on the whole social life. From the signing of President Hu Zhiming (Resolution No. 122/SL of 10 October 1952) approving the establishment of a national publishing house, the management and direct realization of photocopying, publishing and distributing books and newspapers, materials to the establishment of the current corresponding organs, after 60 years of development and continuous struggle, Growing up, Vietnamese publishing activities have made great contributions to the construction and development of the country. Although the publishing industry in Vietnam has made great achievements, many problems and difficulties have been gradually highlighted in the process of development, especially the organization type of publishing houses and the national investment policy mechanism to promote the development of publishing activities. These problems make the development of Vietnamese publishing activities encounter bottlenecks, resulting in Vietnamese publishing activities lag behind the development of society. Therefore, I choose the publishing activities in Vietnam as the research perspective, hoping to provide a meaningful reference for the development of the publishing industry in Vietnam, which can not only bring practical benefits to the publishing industry, but also in line with the national development strategy of Vietnam. Based on the above thinking, on the basis of the introduction of the paper, the paper mainly includes the following four parts: first, an overview of the public policy theory related to publishing activities; second, the analysis of the current situation of publishing activities in Vietnam; Third, this paper analyzes the difficulties and problems faced by Vietnamese publishing activities; fourth, puts forward some suggestions to improve Vietnamese publishing activities.
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