[Abstract]:The prepress stage of positive books is a key period of book publishing, but it is often the most easily ignored by editors. Whether the revision content of the third audit and the three schools has been put in place before, whether the quality of the compilation and correction of the books meets the requirements of the state for the quality of the books, and whether the cost can be saved in the printing link through a certain design, Whether or not to provide comprehensive, accurate and practical book marketing information for issuers is reflected in many links in the prepress stage. Therefore, in the prepress stage of the book, it is necessary for the editor to make more efforts in the following aspects, all of which are a sign of whether the editor is mature or not. 1 the quality of the collation and approval of the book is the lifeline of the book, and the pre-press finishing of the manuscript is the lifeline of the book.
【作者单位】: 中国铁道出版社;
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