[Abstract]:The journal of the philosophy and social science of the national college is a unique square in the journal of our university. In recent years, the construction and development of the journal of the philosophy and social science of the national colleges and universities, on the one hand, need to deal with the same problems as other philosophy and social science journals, such as the status of the periodical evaluation system, the impact of the new technology of the network, etc. On the other hand, it is necessary to face the problems brought about by the special characteristics of the national colleges and universities, such as how to adapt to the requirements of the new situation of the national work, to pay attention to the research of the deep-seated problems, and to highlight the problems of the construction of the periodical. The journal of the philosophy and social science of the national colleges and universities in the new period must deal with the four dialectical relations: the dialectical relationship between the correct political orientation and the academic exploration and innovation; the dialectical relation between the process of strengthening the characteristics of the journal and the positioning of the comprehensive journal; To deal with the dialectical relationship between the periodical evaluation system and the "to practice internal skill"; to deal with the dialectical relationship between the new technology of the network and the improvement of the traditional business level.
【作者单位】: 中南民族大学学报编辑部;
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