明代地理学与历史地理学内容丰富,但一直没有专门的系统研究。不管从学术史,还是从文献学看,探讨两者的发展状况、成就等都是有价值的。本文试图从明代相关文献的侧重点入手,对明代地理学与历史地理学分别做初步的梳理,以便展现其学术价值。本文分为六个部分:第一章绪论主要是对选题意 义、学术史等做简要介绍。本文认为学界对明代地理学与历史地理学,尤其是对明代历史地理学缺乏专门的研究,因此有研究的必要性。第二章、正史编撰与历史地理学。展现了《硕博在线论文网史·地理志》与《硕博在线论文网史·河渠志》关于历史地理学的成就。第三章、方志与地理学及历史地理学。本章对部分总志、通志与府州县志分别进行论述,如《大明清类天文分野之书》的政区沿革特色,正德《琼台志》的自然地理特色,万历《云南通志》的农业地理内容。由此得出明代方志中地理学与历史地理学内容往往是同时出现。第四章、其它文献中的地理学与历史地理学。本章涉及多种类型的著作,如水利专著、游记、文集等。其中,明代地理学的突出成就主要反映在徐霞客的游记中,其对河流正源的纠正既是地理学重视实地考察的体现,也有其历史地理学研究的成分。第五章、明代历史地图学与地图学。明代的历史地图有多种类型,通过研究得出:明代历史地图主要在编排和应用范围上有一定的进步;明代地图学方面,通过对《广舆图》及《郑和航海图》的研究得出:明代地图学的发展水平高于同时期的历史地图学。最后是全文的结语,认为明代历史地理学相对明代地理学成就逊色一些。但明代的历史地理学也取得了一定的成就,与地理学一起为清代地理学与历史地理学的繁荣奠定了基础。
【Abstract】 Geography and historical-geography in Ming dynasty are rich in contents,but there has been no special research systems.No matter from the academic history,or from philology,the discussion for their development status and achievements and so on are valuable.From the emphases of related Ming dynasty’s literature of geography and historical-geography in Ming dynasty,this article attempts to do preliminary sorting respectively and show its academic value.This article is divided into six parts:The first chapter is a brief introduction of topic significance、academic history and so on.This paper argues that academics lacks special research about the geography and historical-geography of Ming dynasty,especially on historical-geography. So there is the necessities of the study.The second chapter is about history compilation and historical-geography. It mainly shows the achievement, which <Yuan history-records of geography>(《硕博在线论文网史·地理志》)and<Yuan history-records of canal>(《硕博在线论文网史·河渠志》) recovery the Yuan dynasty’geography,administrative and condition of canal.The third chapter is about chorography with geography and historical-geography. This chapter discusses respectively on part of total-chorography(总志),province-chorography(省志或通志)and Fuzhouxian-chorography(府州县志)Such as Da Ming Qing Lei Tian Wen Fen Ye Zhi Shu(《大明清类天文分野之书》)’s administrative evolution characteristics,Zheng De Qiong Tai Zhi(正德《琼台志》)’s natural geographical features,Wan Li Yun Nan Tong Zhi(万历《云南通志》)’s content of agricultural geography. Thus the Ming dynasty chorography’s geography and historical-geography content often appeared in the meantime.The fourth chapter is about other literature’s geography and historical-geography. This chapter involves multiple types of work,such as water conservancy works, travel notes,corpus,etc.Among them,Ming dynasty’s outstanding achievements in geography mainly reflected in Xuxiake’s Travel. His rectification about the source of river not only reflected the attaching importance to on-the-spot investigation in Geography but also has the historical-geography’s research component.The fifth chapter is about Ming dynasty’s history-cartography and cartography. In Ming dynasty, there are different types of historical maps.Through research,I point that its mainly progress is in layout and application. In cartography of Ming dynasty, through the research of Guang Yu Tu(《广舆图》)and Zheng He Hang Hai Tu(《郑和航海图》)I point that the development level of Ming dynasty’s cartography is higher than its history-cartography.The last is the conclusion of full-text. I consider that the achievement of historical-geography is inferior to geography’s in Ming dynasty.But in Ming dynasty, historical-geography also got some achievements, with Ming dynasty’s geography, and laid a foundation for the prosperity of Qing dynasty’s geography and historical-geography.
【关键词】 明代; 地理学; 历史地理学; 学术史;【Key words】 Ming dynasty; Geography; Historical-geography; Academic history;
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