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发布时间:2016-11-27 10:06


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[2] 周建明, 王海良. 国家大战略、国家安全战略与国家利益. 世界经济与政治, 2002, (4): 21-26. [Zhou Jianming, Wang Hailiang. National strategy, national security strategy and national interests. World Economics and Politics, 2002, (4): 21-26.]

[3] 杜德斌, 段德忠, 刘承良, 等. 1990年以来中国地理学之地缘政治学研究进展. 地理研究, 2015, 34(2): 199-212. [Du Debin, Duan Dezhong, Liu Chengliang, et al.Progress of geopolitics of Chinese geography since 1990. Geographical Reaserch, 2015, 34(2): 199-212.]

[4] 陆大道, 杜德斌. 关于加强地缘政治地缘经济研究的思考. 地理学报, 2013, 68(6): 723-727. [Lu Dadao, Du Debin. Some thoughts on the strengthening of geopolitical and geo-economic studies. Acta Geographica Sinica, 2013, 68(6): 723-727. ]

[5] 杜德斌, 马亚华. 中国崛起的国际地缘战略. 世界地理研究, 2012, 21(1): 1-16. [Du Debin, Ma Yahua. Geography of containment and anti-containment of China's peaceful rise. World Regional Studies, 2012, 21(1): 1-16.]

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[14] 谢淑丽. 脆弱的强权: 中国崛起背后. 温洽溢译. 台北: 远流出版公司, 2008. [Shirk S L. China: Fragile Superpower: How China's Internal Politics Could Derail Its Peaceful Rise. Translated by Wen Qiayi. Taipei: Yuan-Liou Publishing Co.,Ltd. 2008.]

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[16] 王帆. 美国对华战略的国际与国家因素. 国际关系学院学报, 2012, (3): 59-65. [Wang Fan. On national and international factors in U. S. China strategy. Journal of University of International Relations, 2012 , (3): 59-65.]

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[18] 马亚华, 冯春萍. 空间视角下的东亚权力分布. 世界经济与政治, 2014, (11): 121-134. [Ma Yahua, Feng Chunping. On the economic power distribution in East Asia. World Economics and Politics, 2014, (11): 121-134.]

[19] 韦宗友. 美国在印太地区的战略调整及其地缘战略影响. 世界经济与政治, 2013, (10): 140-155. [Wei Zongyou. U. S. strategic readjustment in the indo-pacific region and its geostrategic implications. World Economics and Politics, 2013, (10): 140-155.]

[20] 唐彦林. 奥巴马政府“巧实力”外交政策评析. 当代亚太, 2010, (1): 92-107. [Tang Yanlin. An analysis on "Smart Power" diplomacy of the Obama administration. Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies(Bimonthly), 2010, (1): 92-107.]

[21] 赵华胜. 美国新丝绸之路战略探析. 新疆师范大学学报: 哲学社会科学版, 2012, 33(6): 15-24. [Zhao Huasheng. Towards U. S. strategy on the new silk road. Journal of Xinjiang Normal University: Social Science, 2012, 33(6): 15-24.]

[22] 束比铨. 日本海洋战略与日美同盟发展趋势研究. 太平洋学报, 2011, 19(1): 90-98. [Shu Biquan. A study on Japan's maritime strategy and development trend of Japan-U. S. alliance. Pacific Journal, 2011, 19(1): 90-98.]

[23] 宋德星, 白俊. 新时期印度海洋安全战略探析. 世界经济与政治论坛, 2011, (4): 38-51. [Song Dexing, Bai Jun. A study of Indian maritime security strategy in new Eara. Forum of World Economics and Politics, 2011, (4): 38-51.]

[24] 杨扬. 社会学视角下的国际关系信任理论. 太平洋学报, 2012, 20(7): 26-34. [Yang Yang. Theory of trust in the international relations viewed from sociological perspective. Pacific Journal, 2012, 20(7): 26-34.]

[25] 杜德斌, 马亚华, 范斐. 南海主权争端的战略态势及中国的应对方略. 世界地理研究, 2012, 21(2): 1-17. [Du Debin, Ma Yahua, Fan Fei. Territorial disputes in the South China Sea and China's strategies. World Regional Studies, 2012, 21(2): 1-17.]

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[30] 刘清才, 张海霞. 中俄全面战略协作伙伴关系的发展前景. 复旦国际关系评论, 2012, (6): 139-166. [Liu Qingcai, Zhang Haixia. The prospect of Sino-Russia overall strategic partnership. Fudan International Studies Review, 2012, (6): 139-166.]





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