朱仙镇、周家口、赊旗镇和道口镇并称“河南四大镇”,朱仙镇位于四大镇之首;河南的朱仙镇,武汉的汉口镇,江西的景德镇和广东的佛山镇又并称为“全国四大名镇”。朱仙镇兴起的关键是贾鲁河,没有贾鲁河,朱仙镇只会像其他城镇一样随着时间的推移,随着经济、文化、政治的发展而发展。贾鲁河成就了以物资转运为主的商业城镇;有了贾鲁河,朱仙镇作为一个大水陆交通联运码头一跃成为全国四大名镇。全盛时期的朱仙镇,共有116条街道,庙宇也达110多座,由于经济基础比较薄弱,所以兴也快败也快。当然,朱仙镇的繁荣尤其是衰落是众多矛盾共同作用的结果,虽然贾鲁河的淤塞也是朱仙镇衰落的重要因素,但作者认为即使贾鲁河没有淤塞,也不适应社会长期发展的需要,如果当时的贾鲁河,朱仙镇也很难再回到昔日的地位。要发展朱仙镇,应该从大力发展交通、建旅游休闲古镇、加大农业发展、恢复传统经营、思想观念创新等多处着手。对于历史时期朱仙镇兴衰的研究,不仅是适应现代城镇发展的需要,而且也为现代城镇的发展提供普遍的借鉴意 义。研究朱仙镇兴衰的历史,则是研究中原城镇历史的一个缩影,对于探索整个社会经济文化发展的规律,对于推动农村城市化的进程,都具有重要的意 义,同时给我们建设新型城镇以启迪。对朱仙镇兴衰的研究不仅有重要的学术价值更有着重要的实践意 义。
【Abstract】 Zhuxian Town, Zhoujiakou Town, Sheqi Town and Daokou Town are called "the four famourest town in Henan Province" ,Zhuxian at the first place of the four town;the Zhuxian Town of Henan Province, the Hankou Town of Wuhan Province,the Jingde Town of Jiangxi and the Foshan of Guangdong are known as "the four famourest town in china".It can be said that the Jialu River is the key to the rise of the Zhuxian Town, it like other cities and towns with the same time as the economic, cultural, political development and development if there is no Jialu River, with the JiaLu river, Zhuxian Town as a major land and seaport had become a national transport, Zhuxian Town prosperity of the population when there are 40,000, more than 200,000 peple. a total of 116 streets, the temple had more than 110, but the economic base was weak, so it was decline so quikly. Of course ,Zhuxian Town of prosperity and decline is the result of many conflicts common, but as time passes, if at that time to restore the river of Jialu, Zhuxian Town is no longer able to return to the prosperity of the past? To restore the prosperity of Zhuxian, what should we have to do?Zhuxian Town for the historical period of study, not only meet the needs of modem urban development, but also for the development of modern cities and towns. To study the rise and fall history of Zhuxian Town is a microcosm of central plains town history. This has the important significance, both in exploration of laws about the entire socio-economic and cultural development and promotion of rural areas’s urbanization process. This will inspire the building of new towns as well.To study the rise and fall of the Zhuxian Townhas not only academic value but also the important practical significance.
【关键词】 朱仙镇; 贾鲁河; 兴盛; 衰落;【Key words】 Zhuxian Town; Jialu River; prosperity; decline;
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