发布时间:2018-03-03 20:22
本文选题:法医昆虫学 切入点:法医昆虫毒理学 出处:《河北医科大学》2004年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:目的:了解吗啡对大头金蝇(Chrysomya megacephala)生长发育的影响,帮助指导以尸食性蝇类生长发育为依据的死后间隔时间(postmortem intervalss, PMI)的推断,为法医昆虫毒理学提供基础资料。 方法:从自然界诱捕大头金蝇成蝇,带回实验室,在生化培养箱内连续饲养,以第三代成蝇作为母代,开始实验。对照组家兔未经注射任何药品即处死,处死方法为击枕部迅速处死。实验组家兔经耳缘静脉依次注射8mg(0.5倍致死量)、16mg(1倍致死量)、35mg(2倍致死量)盐酸吗啡,给药30分钟后处死,处死方法与对照组家兔相同。取家兔四肢的肌肉,分别保存,,按家兔给药浓度由小到大依次标为M0、M1、M2、M3;取家兔的肝脏,分别保存,按家兔给药浓度由小到大依次标为L0、L1、L2、L3。生化培养箱内,28℃恒温条件下,用猪肉诱大头金蝇产卵,产卵时间记为零时,将卵块移至家兔的肌肉或肝脏上饲养。幼虫孵出16h后,每隔12h留一次标本,每组每次留取10头幼虫,直至幼虫到达离食期(其标志是幼虫不再取食,四处爬动,寻找化蛹部位[1])。将幼虫用80℃的热水烫死后,放入浓度为70%的酒精中保存,测量每组幼虫标本的体长、体重。幼虫到达离食期后72h留取蛹标本(此时的蛹处于初蛹阶段),每组留取10头,测量各组蛹标本的体长、体重。将各组各次测得的幼虫 WP=4 标本的体长、体重,蛹长、蛹重用均值±标准误(x±s)表示。以幼虫标本体长、体重均值绘制幼虫生长曲线图。成蝇羽化后,将各组成蝇分别饲养,每隔24h观察一次各组成蝇的死亡只数。在实验的整个过程中记录下各组卵的孵化时间、幼虫化蛹时间、成蝇羽化时间。 比较在吗啡注射量不同的家兔肌肉和肝脏上取食的幼虫的生长速率(体长/时间、体重/时间)及幼虫到达离食期后72h时蛹长、蛹重之间是否有差别,各组间比较应用方差分析(ANOVA),数据结果由SAS6.12软件处理得出。比较各组卵孵化时间、幼虫化蛹时间、成蝇羽化时间是否有差别。各组成蝇的生存分析应用Kaplan-Meier(KM)法,结果由SPSS11软件处理得出。研究组织中的吗啡是否会对大头金蝇的生长发育产生影响。 结果:12h各组幼虫孵出。40h时,取食家兔肌肉的四组幼虫的平均体长、平均体重出现显著性差别。M3、M2 组幼虫的大于M1、M0组。52~76h M3组幼虫的平均体长、平均体重大于其它三组。88h各组幼虫记录下最大体长,仍以M3组值最大。94h左右各组达离食期,幼虫到达离食期后72h时留取的蛹标本比较, M3组的平均蛹长、平均蛹重大于其它组。 取食兔肝的各组幼虫的平均体长在40h时出现显著性差别,家兔吗啡注射量越大,在其肝脏上取食的幼虫体长增加速度越快,52~76h此差别持续存在。88h各组观察到最大体长,,L3、L2组大于L1、L0组。在肝脏上取食的幼虫平均体重于40h时出现显著性差别,40~88h L3组的平均体重始终大于其它三组。92h L3组幼虫最先达到离食期,其它三组 WP=5 于3h后到达离食期。L3和L2组平均蛹长、平均蛹重大于L1和L0组。 对在同一只家兔肝脏、肌肉上取食的幼虫平均体长比较,发现幼虫发育到一定阶段,在肝脏上取食的幼虫平均体长超过在同一只家兔肌肉上取食的幼虫。在各只家兔肝脏上取食的幼虫的最大体长也大于在同一只家兔肌肉上取食的幼虫。 各组卵块均于12h孵化。取食家兔肌肉的四组幼虫同时到达离食期,M3和M2 组成蝇较M1和M0组羽化时间早约3h。L3组幼虫较L2 、L1和L0组先到达离食期,时间约早3h;L3 、L2和L1组的成蝇羽化时间较L0组早约4h。 各组成蝇的平均生存时间及中位生存时间由短到长依次为M1、M0、M2和M3。整体上的生存曲线比较,四组成蝇生存率曲线分布差别有统计学意义(P0.05)。四组成蝇生存情况进行两两比较结果为各组两两有差异(P0.05)。 结论 1在一定的剂量范围内,吗啡可使大头金蝇幼虫的生长速率加快。 2 28℃时,吗啡对大头金蝇的发育历期无明显影响。 3 吗啡可延长大头金蝇成蝇的寿命。
[Abstract]:Objective: to understand the effect of morphine on the growth and development of Chrysomya megacephala, and to provide guidance for inferring the postmortem interval (postmortem intervalss, PMI) based on the growth and development of autophagous flies, providing basic information for forensic insect toxicology.
Methods: from the nature of trapping c.megacephala adult flies, back to the lab, continuous feeding in biochemical culture box, with third generations of adult flies as the parent generation, began to experiment. The control group without any drug injection in rabbits were sacrificed, method for hit the occipital rapidly executed. Rabbits in the experimental group by ear vein injection of 8mg (in turn 0.5 times the lethal dose (16mg), 1 times the lethal dose (35mg), 2 times the lethal dose of morphine hydrochloride), 30 minutes after administration were executed with the same method of control group rabbits. The rabbit limb muscles were preserved, in order to rabbits according to concentration of labeled M0, M1, M2, M3 rabbit; liver, rabbits were preserved, according to drug concentration in order for L0, L1, L2, L3. biochemical incubator, 28 constant temperature conditions, with pork induced c.megacephala oviposition, spawning time is zero, will raise muscle or liver egg to rabbits on the larvae hatched 16h. After every 12h leave a specimen, each group collected 10 larva, until the larvae arrived from food (the symbol is no longer feeding larvae, crawling around, looking for pupation site [1]). The larvae in 80 degrees of hot water after death, save into the concentration of 70% alcohol, measure each group larvae samples of body length, body weight. The larvae arrived from food after 72h collected specimens (when the pupa pupa in the early pupal stage), each group collected 10 head specimens were measured, pupa body length, body weight of larvae. Each time will be measured
Samples of body length, body weight, pupa, pupa reuse mean standard error (x + s). The larvae were in body length, the average weight of drawing growth curve. The adult flies larvae after emergence and the composition of flies were fed every 24h observation time the fly record number of deaths. The hatching time in the whole process, pupation time, emergence time flies.
Rabbit muscle and liver in comparison of different morphine injection amount of the growth rate of feeding larvae (body weight / length / time, time) and the larvae arrived from food 72h after pupa long, if there is a difference between pupa weight, comparison between groups using analysis of variance (ANOVA), data processing software that results from the SAS6.12 were compared between the groups. The hatching time, pupation time, whether there are differences. The emergence time flies. Flies survival analysis of the application of Kaplan-Meier (KM) method, the results obtained by SPSS11 software. To study whether tissue in morphine on Chrysomya megacephala growth effect.
Results: each group of 12h larvae hatched.40h, average four groups of larvae fed on rabbit muscle length, average weight appeared significant differences in.M3, M2 group of larvae was greater than M1, the average M0 group.52 ~ 76h group M3 larvae length, average weight is greater than the maximum length of the other three groups were.88h larvae recorded the maximum of about.94h was still away from food in the M3 group, the larvae arrived from food after 72h were collected from the pupae were compared, the average pupa of M3 group, average pupal weight greater than the other groups.
The average body groups of larvae feeding rabbit liver length in 40H significant difference, the greater the amount of morphine injection in rabbits, the larvae feeding on the liver in its length increased faster, 52 ~ 76h this difference persists in.88h groups observed maximum body length, L3, L1, L2 group than in L0 group. The average weight of feeding larvae. In the liver in 40H appeared significant difference, the average weight of 40 ~ 88H L3 group is always higher than the other three groups.92h group L3 larvae reached first food from the other three groups.
After 3h, the average pupae was long in the.L3 and L2 groups, and the average pupa weight was greater than that of the L1 and L0 groups.
The liver in the same rabbit muscle, feeding the larvae of average body length is found in larval development to a certain stage, the larvae feeding on the liver in average body length over feeding in the same rabbit muscle larvae. The largest body of feeding in all rabbits liver on the larvae feeding on the same length is greater than rabbit muscle larvae.
The eggs were in the 12h group. Four groups of larvae hatched from rabbit muscle at the same time to reach the food, M3 and M2 than M1 and M0 group flies early emergence time about 3h.L3 group compared with L2 and L0 L1 larvae, the first group arrived from food, time is about L3, L2 and 3H; L1 group of adult flies eclosion earlier than L0 group about 4h.
The average survival time of the flies and the median survival time from short to long were M1, M0, M2 and M3. to compare the survival curve on the whole, four fly survival curves had significant difference (P0.05). Four fly 22 comparison results for the survival of 22 groups have difference (P0.05).
1 in a certain dose range morphine can accelerate the growth rate of the larva of the big head golden fly.
At 228 C, morphine had no significant effect on the development period of golden fly.
3 morphine can prolong the life span of the flies.
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1 王丽娟;不同温度下安定对大头金蝇生长发育的影响及其在死后间隔时间推断方面的应用[D];河北医科大学;2006年