[Abstract]:Background and objective: the progress of molecular biology has made a breakthrough in understanding the origin of human beings. With the development and improvement of molecular biology technology, Chinese scholars have used DNA polymorphism to explore the origin, migration, differentiation and fusion of different nationalities in China. The southern Fujian region mainly includes three areas, Xiamen, Zhangzhou, and Quanzhou, which have been migrating because of historical wars and other reasons. There are also people of Han nationality with similar languages in the Chaoshan, Taiwan, Hainan, and Zhejiang provinces of Guangdong. More than 10 million Minnan nationals live overseas, with a total population of more than 50 million. It is of great significance in history, anthropology and forensic medicine to study the genetic polymorphism of the population in the south of Fujian and to explore the amount of polymorphic information. Materials and methods genetic polymorphisms of 15 STR loci in 122 Han population in South Fujian, China, were studied by gene scanning technique. The origin of Han nationality in South Fujian and its relationship with black Americans, white Americans, Chaoshan, Taiwan, Henan, Tianjin, Shanxi, Zhejiang, etc. The difference and relationship between people. Results the results of this investigation showed that 130 alleles were detected in 15 STR loci of Han nationality in South Fujian, China (CSF1POD7S820D8S1179 (D21S11S11D2S1338) D13S317F13S317F16S539 / TH01D18S51D19S433TPOXVWAD5S818FGA). Its frequency was between 0.0041 and 0.5123, and 371 genotypes were detected, and its frequency was between 0.008 and 0.352. Among them, 31 genotypes of 10 alleles were detected in D8S1179 locus, and the frequency distribution was between 0.0041 and 0.008 / 0. 090. D21S11 gene.
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