[Abstract]:4 years ago, the Sun Zhigang case, which shocked the whole country, made an important step in the reform of the household management system in the whole country. Most of the city's temporary residence permit system was cancelled. But the urban and rural two yuan residence system that hindered the free migration of the population still took the important role of controlling urban population mechanical growth in all large and medium-sized cities and moved into the population of the city on the one hand The creation of huge social wealth, on the other hand, may cause a series of social problems, such as employment difficulties, traffic congestion, public security and so on, especially in developing countries. These possible risks lead to the delay of the reform of the two yuan account system in urban and rural areas in China. Outside the country, the population is allowed to move freely, and there is no residence barrier to restrict the migration of the population. The household registration system does not affect the process of population migration and urbanization, nor does it interfere with the normal operation of the social economy. With the development of China's market economy, the maladies of the two yuan household system in urban and rural areas are increasingly exposed. The voice of the reform of the management system of the mouth of the mouth is rising.
This article holds that China must speed up the reform of the household registration system and establish a one yuan household registration system aimed at the freedom of migration to truly restore the rights of citizens' freedom of migration, which is not only conducive to the overall improvement of the national quality and the exertion of the expertise, especially the optimization of the allocation of labor resources, and the promotion of the process of urbanization and the nationals of China. Economic development has an important role. Therefore, the study of this paper has important practical significance and long-term strategic significance. This paper tries to elaborate on the reform of China's household registration management system from five aspects.
The first part of the introduction describes the background of the article, the practical significance of the topic selection and the research status at home and abroad.
The second part expounds the three definitions of household registration management and the theoretical basis for the establishment of the residence management system. The Marx doctrine "two kinds of production" theory tells us that the household management system must conform to the principle that human production must adapt to the production of material information. The basic force is the rational economic consideration of the comparative benefit and the cost, which explains the reasons for the migration of the population from the four aspects of the factors affecting migration, the quantity of migration, the flow direction and the characteristics of the migrants. These theories use different methods to draw the same conclusion that the household management system should follow the population migration. The objective law of migration.
The third part expounds the formation process and cause of the current account management system in China. The article expounds the forming process and root of the Chinese household registration system from the theoretical, historical and economic aspects. In the years of the lack of planned economic materials, the system of household registration management has played an important historical role. With the economic reform as the center In all aspects of social life in China, the current household registration system restricts the freedom caused by the freedom of population migration. The fourth part introduces the methods of population management in the United States, Europe and Japan. Although the foreign countries are different from the methods of population management in our country, the management of "hukou" is still the world. The most fundamental social management system in the world is different. Many developed countries rely on the means of the market plus the legal system, which are more effective and reasonable than the single "administrative examination and approval" means in our country. It is worth our reference.
The fifth part expounds the necessity, feasibility, reform of the current household registration system and the realization of freedom of migration is the basic requirement for human survival. The current household registration system violates the basic requirements of the operation of the market economy, hinders the process of urbanization in China and hinders the surplus labor in the countryside. Space transfer has caused confusion in management, and the necessity of reform is self-evident. With the increasingly comprehensive and deep reform and opening up, the operation mechanism of the Chinese market economy is basically completed, the peak of the population growth has passed, the people's ability to bear the reform has been continuously strengthened, and the relevant policies of the state have been constantly adjusted and introduced to reform the current households in China. Population management system and the conditions for establishing a free-migration household registration system have basically matured.
The sixth part puts forward the goal and steps of establishing "the goal of the reform of the freedom of migration as the residence system, the implementation of the one dollar household registration management". The main content is to establish an identity system of household registration, the citizen has the freedom to choose to travel or settle from the place of residence independently, and the freedom of the citizen's migration is not subject to the account of the residence. The one yuan account system is a thorough reform goal, but it has a great risk. So how to control the social risk is the key to ensure the realization of the goal. It is necessary to control the risk of the reform process gradually from the two yuan system to the one yuan system. The article believes that in order to ensure the realization of the reform goal, it must follow four. The principle, in accordance with the method of progressive reform, carries out the overall decoupling of the household registration and interest, the supporting reform of the social related departments and the sound legislation of the legislation in order to ensure the smooth implementation of the reform. It is divided into three implementation stages for the control of risk: one is the implementation stage of the two yuan residence registration system between provinces and regions; and two is the condition. The implementation stage of the one yuan household registration system in the province is implemented. Three is the implementation stage of the one dollar household registration system between provinces and provinces. At the same time, we can consider different regions and have different choices at different stages.
The new meaning of this article is: first, in the relevant documents related to household registration reform in China, the general existence is the discussion of the phenomenon of the reform of the household registration system, and less on the general rule of population migration in theory. The theory of the migration law of the main population in this paper is the theory of "two kinds of production" of Marx doctrine, the theory of the model of the population flow model of the darling. The thrust tension theory has been systematically studied, which provides an important theoretical basis for the reform of the household registration system in China. Second, the reform of the Chinese household registration system is a high risk and difficult reform. The four principles of controlling risk including the decoupling of the account and the benefit as a whole, and the three gradual reform steps of controlling the risk, that is, adopt the form of residence permit, step by step from the two yuan account system to the one yuan household registration system gradually, and finally complete the reform of the national household registration system. Therefore, this paper provides the reform of China's household registration. Operable ideas and methods have certain innovation and application value.
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