[Abstract]:Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, the public security organs have implemented "vertical unification" and "hierarchical management". The evolution of the public security fund guarantee system provides the following enlightenment for the future public security fund management: the national financial system is the foundation of the establishment of the public security business funds guarantee system; The perfection of the legal system provides the legal basis for the establishment of the framework of the public security business funds guarantee system, which is the fundamental starting point for the establishment of the public security business funds guarantee system, taking into account the overall situation, standing on the long-term, and ensuring the development of the public security business. Vigorously developing the local economy is the only effective way to alleviate the contradiction between supply and demand of public security funds, and the establishment of the system framework of public security funds guarantee is a new starting point for the construction of public security funds guarantee.
【作者单位】: 公安部装备财务局
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