发布时间:2018-07-27 11:54
【摘要】: 背景与目的 在司法鉴定实践中,时常遇见饮酒后,较轻微外力打击头颈部引起致死性外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血(traumatic subarachnoid haemorrage,TSAH)的案例,而引发死亡责任问题的诉讼。饮酒在TSAH发生中扮演的角色及作用机制尚不十分清楚。为此,本研究拟建立急慢性大鼠灌酒后TSAH模型,观测血管形态学及其生物力学参数,探讨饮酒与TSAH的相关性及其作用机理,阐释饮酒、外伤、血管病变之间的相关性,为此类案件的法医鉴定和审判量刑提供理论依据。 材料与方法 急性灌酒TSAH模型建立,雄性SD大鼠17只,随机分为急性灌酒组12只和灌水对照组5只。实验组一次性灌酒后2h,用自制单摆打击大鼠头枕部,1h后断头处死。提取主动脉和全脑固定,HE切片染色及弹性纤维—胶原纤维染色。检测胸主动脉的应力—应变曲线、极限载荷值、相对伸长率和弹性模量等生物力学指标。对照组蒸馏水灌胃后的打击、处死和取材等均同实验组。 慢性灌酒TSAH模型建立,雄性SD大鼠22只,随机分为慢性灌酒组17只和灌水对照组5只;慢性灌酒组连续灌酒1个月、每天两次间隔8h,前2周灌酒量8ml/kg/次、后2周12ml/kg/次,其他处置同急性组。各组打击死亡大鼠立即提取脑和动脉固定以及生物力学拉伸实验。 结果 1急性灌酒组结果 实验组大鼠灌酒后逐渐出现走路摇摆,活动减少,呼吸急促,心率加快等醉酒态表现。灌酒后1h血压较灌胃前下降17.8mmHg(P<0.01),呼吸频率下降28次/分(P<0.01);打击后1h大鼠尾动脉血压较打击前升高15.8mmHg(P<0.05),呼吸频率变化不明显。对照组大鼠打击后血压升高15.6 mmHg(P<0.05),呼吸频率上升10次/分(P<0.05)。 急性灌酒组大鼠打击头部后蛛网膜下腔出血率为28.6%,死亡率为0,对照组蒸馏水灌胃打击头部后出血率、死亡率均为0。急性组灌酒后2h血乙醇浓度达最高峰值188.8±5.8mg/dl,之后逐渐降低,至12h降至1.7±0.5mg/dl。 急性灌酒组脑轻度水肿,未见明显脑挫裂伤,部分可见较弥漫蛛网膜下腔出血。镜下,蛛网膜弥漫疏松、淤血,蛛网膜下腔出血,神经元及胶质细胞轻度水变性、血管淤血。脑小动脉壁内弹力膜完整,管壁结构未见异常。大鼠脑干蛛网膜下腔小动脉管壁厚度与对照组无显著差异(P>0.05)。 胸主动脉壁组织结构未见异常。测量大鼠胸主动脉厚度中膜、外膜、中膜+外膜厚度,实验组与对照组差异不显著(P>0.05)。 胸主动脉应力-应变曲线,两组大鼠破坏载荷差异不显著;60kPa和极限载荷的血管相对伸长率差异均不显著;30kPa生理应力时,组间弹性模量差异均不显著(P>0.05)。 2慢性灌酒组结果 实验组相继出现毛发干枯、杂乱无光、脱落,倦怠,进食量减少,营养不良,消瘦,大便稀溏等情况;4周后大鼠体重显著低于对照组(P<0.01);4周末实验组大鼠基础血压升高(P<13.05),呼吸频率无显著变化。 慢性灌酒组TSAH发生率82.4%、死亡率58.8%。对照组TSAH发生率、死亡率均为0。脑中重度水肿,未见明显脑挫裂伤,多见弥漫蛛网膜下腔出血。镜下,蛛网膜高度疏松、淤血,多见脑蛛网膜下腔弥漫厚层出血,神经元及胶质细胞水肿,可见神经元细胞核轻度固缩,血管淤血。部分小动脉管壁增厚,管腔狭窄,小动脉内弹力膜厚薄不一、可见断裂,中膜平滑肌细胞及外膜胶原纤维增生。实验组大鼠脑干蛛网膜下腔小动脉动脉管壁厚度高于对照组大鼠(P<0.05)。 胸主动脉,内膜疏松,内皮细胞不规则脱落,,中膜弹性纤维扭曲、排列紊乱、染色不均,外膜疏松增厚。实验组和对照组胸主动脉中膜、外膜厚度、中膜+外膜厚度,慢性酒精中毒组大鼠各层厚度均大于对照组(P<0.05)。 胸主动脉应力-应变曲线,实验组破坏载荷降低(P<0.05);60KPa和极限载荷时,实验组相对伸长率均低于对照组(P<0.05);30KPa生理应力时实验组弹性模量高于对照组(P<0.05)。 结论 1建立了稳定的大鼠急慢性灌酒后TSAH模型,证实了酗酒,尤其是慢性酗酒与TSAH高发生率和死亡率的相关性。 2证实了长期酗酒大鼠脑血管及胸主动脉的组织结构和形态学变化,以及血管生物力学性质的改变,提示两者可能构成酗酒后TSAH高发生率的重要机制之一。 3结合本课题组其他成员的实验结果及相关文献,本实验急性酗酒组大鼠脑血管及胸主动脉的组织形态学以及生物力学性质改变不显著,提示酗酒与TSAH之间还存在其他机制的联合作用。
[Abstract]:Background and purpose
In the practice of judicial expertise, it is not very clear that drinking in the occurrence of TSAH in the occurrence of fatal traumatic traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (traumatic subarachnoid haemorrage, TSAH) causes fatal traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (haemorrage, TSAH) in the head and neck. To establish the TSAH model of acute and chronic rats after drinking alcohol, observe the vascular morphology and its biomechanical parameters, explore the correlation and mechanism of drinking and TSAH, explain the correlation between drinking, trauma and vascular disease, and provide a theoretical basis for forensic identification and sentencing of such cases.
Materials and methods
The acute perfusion TSAH model was established, 17 male SD rats were randomly divided into 12 rats in the acute irrigation group and 5 in the control group. The experimental group was filled with 2h after irrigation, and the self made single pendulum was used to strike the head occipital part of the rat, and the head was killed after 1H. The aorta and the whole brain were fixed, the HE section staining and the elastic fiber collagenous fiber staining were used to detect the stress of the thoracic aorta. Strain curve, limit load value, relative elongation and elastic modulus and other biomechanical indexes, and the control group after the distilled water gavage, the death and the material are all the same in the experimental group.
A chronic TSAH model was established. 22 male SD rats were randomly divided into 17 rats in the chronic wine group and 5 in the control group. The chronic wine group was filled with alcohol for 1 months, two intervals of 8h, the first 2 weeks were 8ml / kg / times, the other 2 weeks were 12ml / kg / times, and the other treatment was in the acute group. The brain and artery were fixed immediately in each group to strike death rats. And biomechanical tensile test.
1 results of acute perfusion group
In the experimental group, the rats of the experimental group gradually appeared to walk and swaying, the activity decreased, the breathing was rapid, and the heart rate was accelerated. The blood pressure of 1H decreased by 17.8mmHg (P < 0.01) and the respiratory frequency decreased by 28 times / (P < 0.01). The blood pressure of the tail artery of 1H rats increased 15.8mmHg (P < 0.05) and the respiratory frequency was not significantly changed after the attack. In the control group, the blood pressure increased 15.6 mmHg (P < 0.05) and respiratory rate increased 10 times / min (P < 0.05).
The rate of subarachnoid hemorrhage after the attack of head was 28.6% and the mortality rate was 0. The rate of hemorrhage in the control group was 0. The death rate of the control group was 0. in the 0. acute group, the highest peak value of 2H blood ethanol reached 188.8 + 5.8mg/dl, and then gradually decreased to 1.7 + 0.5mg/dl..
Mild cerebral edema was found in acute perfusion group, no obvious brain contusion was found, and partial subarachnoid hemorrhage was seen in some cases. Under the microscope, arachnoid membrane diffuse, congestion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, mild water degeneration of neurons and glial cells, blood vessel congestion. The elastic membrane in the wall of the cerebral arteriole and the wall structure were not abnormal. The subarachnoid subarachnoid space in the brain stem of rats was small. There was no significant difference in arterial wall thickness between the control group and the control group (P > 0.05).
No abnormalities were found in the structure of the thoracic aorta wall. The thickness of the thoracic aorta, the outer membrane, the middle membrane and the outer membrane, was not significant (P > 0.05) in the experimental group.
The stress strain curves of the thoracic aorta were not significant difference between the two groups, and the relative elongation of 60kPa and the limit load was not significant, and the difference of the modulus of elasticity between the groups was not significant (P > 0.05) when the 30kPa physiological stress was used.
2 results of chronic drinking group
After 4 weeks, the body weight of rats was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.01); the basal blood pressure of the rats in the experimental group was elevated (P < 13.05) at the end of the 4 week (P < 13.05), and the frequency of the exhalation was not significantly changed in the 4 week.
The incidence of TSAH in the chronic alcohol injection group was 82.4%, the mortality rate of the mortality 58.8%. control group was TSAH, the mortality rate was 0. and severe edema, no obvious brain contusion, more diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. In the experimental group, the thickness of the arterioles of the subarachnoid arterioles of the brain stem of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
In the thoracic aorta, the endometrium was loose, the endothelial cells were irregular, the elastic fibers of the middle membrane were distorted, the arrangement of the membrane was unevenly, and the outer membrane was loosely thickened. The thickness of the thoracic aorta, the thickness of the outer membrane, the thickness of the middle membrane + outer membrane in the experimental group and the control group, and the thickness of the rats in the chronic alcoholism group were all greater than those of the control group (P < 0.05).
The stress strain curve of thoracic aorta was lower than that of the experimental group (P < 0.05), while the relative elongation of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05) when the experimental group was 60KPa and the limit load (P < 0.05). The modulus of elasticity of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
1 a stable TSAH model for acute and chronic drinking in rats was established, which confirmed the correlation between heavy drinking, especially chronic alcoholism and high incidence and mortality of TSAH.
2 the histological and morphological changes of the cerebral and thoracic aorta and the changes of the biomechanical properties of the blood vessels in the long term alcoholism rats were confirmed, suggesting that both of them may constitute one of the important mechanisms of the high incidence of TSAH after alcoholism.
3 in combination with the experimental results of other members of this group and the related literature, the changes of the histomorphology and biomechanical properties of the cerebral and thoracic aorta of the rats in the acute alcoholism group were not significant, suggesting that there is a combination of other mechanisms between alcoholism and TSAH.
[Abstract]:Background and purpose
In the practice of judicial expertise, it is not very clear that drinking in the occurrence of TSAH in the occurrence of fatal traumatic traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (traumatic subarachnoid haemorrage, TSAH) causes fatal traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (haemorrage, TSAH) in the head and neck. To establish the TSAH model of acute and chronic rats after drinking alcohol, observe the vascular morphology and its biomechanical parameters, explore the correlation and mechanism of drinking and TSAH, explain the correlation between drinking, trauma and vascular disease, and provide a theoretical basis for forensic identification and sentencing of such cases.
Materials and methods
The acute perfusion TSAH model was established, 17 male SD rats were randomly divided into 12 rats in the acute irrigation group and 5 in the control group. The experimental group was filled with 2h after irrigation, and the self made single pendulum was used to strike the head occipital part of the rat, and the head was killed after 1H. The aorta and the whole brain were fixed, the HE section staining and the elastic fiber collagenous fiber staining were used to detect the stress of the thoracic aorta. Strain curve, limit load value, relative elongation and elastic modulus and other biomechanical indexes, and the control group after the distilled water gavage, the death and the material are all the same in the experimental group.
A chronic TSAH model was established. 22 male SD rats were randomly divided into 17 rats in the chronic wine group and 5 in the control group. The chronic wine group was filled with alcohol for 1 months, two intervals of 8h, the first 2 weeks were 8ml / kg / times, the other 2 weeks were 12ml / kg / times, and the other treatment was in the acute group. The brain and artery were fixed immediately in each group to strike death rats. And biomechanical tensile test.
1 results of acute perfusion group
In the experimental group, the rats of the experimental group gradually appeared to walk and swaying, the activity decreased, the breathing was rapid, and the heart rate was accelerated. The blood pressure of 1H decreased by 17.8mmHg (P < 0.01) and the respiratory frequency decreased by 28 times / (P < 0.01). The blood pressure of the tail artery of 1H rats increased 15.8mmHg (P < 0.05) and the respiratory frequency was not significantly changed after the attack. In the control group, the blood pressure increased 15.6 mmHg (P < 0.05) and respiratory rate increased 10 times / min (P < 0.05).
The rate of subarachnoid hemorrhage after the attack of head was 28.6% and the mortality rate was 0. The rate of hemorrhage in the control group was 0. The death rate of the control group was 0. in the 0. acute group, the highest peak value of 2H blood ethanol reached 188.8 + 5.8mg/dl, and then gradually decreased to 1.7 + 0.5mg/dl..
Mild cerebral edema was found in acute perfusion group, no obvious brain contusion was found, and partial subarachnoid hemorrhage was seen in some cases. Under the microscope, arachnoid membrane diffuse, congestion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, mild water degeneration of neurons and glial cells, blood vessel congestion. The elastic membrane in the wall of the cerebral arteriole and the wall structure were not abnormal. The subarachnoid subarachnoid space in the brain stem of rats was small. There was no significant difference in arterial wall thickness between the control group and the control group (P > 0.05).
No abnormalities were found in the structure of the thoracic aorta wall. The thickness of the thoracic aorta, the outer membrane, the middle membrane and the outer membrane, was not significant (P > 0.05) in the experimental group.
The stress strain curves of the thoracic aorta were not significant difference between the two groups, and the relative elongation of 60kPa and the limit load was not significant, and the difference of the modulus of elasticity between the groups was not significant (P > 0.05) when the 30kPa physiological stress was used.
2 results of chronic drinking group
After 4 weeks, the body weight of rats was significantly lower than that of the control group (P < 0.01); the basal blood pressure of the rats in the experimental group was elevated (P < 13.05) at the end of the 4 week (P < 13.05), and the frequency of the exhalation was not significantly changed in the 4 week.
The incidence of TSAH in the chronic alcohol injection group was 82.4%, the mortality rate of the mortality 58.8%. control group was TSAH, the mortality rate was 0. and severe edema, no obvious brain contusion, more diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage. In the experimental group, the thickness of the arterioles of the subarachnoid arterioles of the brain stem of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
In the thoracic aorta, the endometrium was loose, the endothelial cells were irregular, the elastic fibers of the middle membrane were distorted, the arrangement of the membrane was unevenly, and the outer membrane was loosely thickened. The thickness of the thoracic aorta, the thickness of the outer membrane, the thickness of the middle membrane + outer membrane in the experimental group and the control group, and the thickness of the rats in the chronic alcoholism group were all greater than those of the control group (P < 0.05).
The stress strain curve of thoracic aorta was lower than that of the experimental group (P < 0.05), while the relative elongation of the experimental group was lower than that of the control group (P < 0.05) when the experimental group was 60KPa and the limit load (P < 0.05). The modulus of elasticity of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group (P < 0.05).
1 a stable TSAH model for acute and chronic drinking in rats was established, which confirmed the correlation between heavy drinking, especially chronic alcoholism and high incidence and mortality of TSAH.
2 the histological and morphological changes of the cerebral and thoracic aorta and the changes of the biomechanical properties of the blood vessels in the long term alcoholism rats were confirmed, suggesting that both of them may constitute one of the important mechanisms of the high incidence of TSAH after alcoholism.
3 in combination with the experimental results of other members of this group and the related literature, the changes of the histomorphology and biomechanical properties of the cerebral and thoracic aorta of the rats in the acute alcoholism group were not significant, suggesting that there is a combination of other mechanisms between alcoholism and TSAH.
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