[Abstract]:Since the 1990s, economic globalization has become an irreversible main trend and the most prominent feature of the contemporary world economic development. As a process fraught with contradictions, while promoting global economic integration, it creates, on the one hand, the necessary conditions for the elimination of global terrorist crimes and, on the other hand, provides a material basis for the breeding of terrorist crimes, And it inspires an extreme tendency to commit terrorist crimes. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the internal relationship between economic globalization and terrorist crimes and to understand the modern social roots of terrorist crimes in order to promote the development of globalization and strengthen the global fight against terrorism. This paper intends to study the crime of terrorism under the background of economic globalization, with a view to the present situation, characteristics and causes of terrorism crime under the background of economic globalization, through the internal relationship between the crime of terrorism and economic globalization. The international community and our country's existing regulation of terrorism crime to explore the economic globalization era of terrorism crime prevention countermeasures. Firstly, the article analyzes the internal relation between economic globalization and terrorist crime, and points out that modern terrorist crime is the companion of economic globalization and the embodiment of four contradictions and conflicts in the contemporary world. Then it introduces the history and present situation of five typical terrorist crimes, and analyzes the development trend of terrorist crimes under the economic globalization. Combing out the globalization characteristics of the modern terrorist crime and analyzing the deep root of the terrorist crime under the background of globalization, then introducing the global international conventions, Regional international conventions and China's criminal law on the status of the regulation of terrorist crimes; finally, in view of the existing international and domestic anti-terrorism legislation deficiencies, and pointed out that the international community can only establish fair and reasonable politics, economy, Only by eliminating the root causes of terrorist crimes can the new cultural order create an international environment that is conducive to the win-win situation of the people of all countries and the sharing of tranquillity and prosperity.
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