[Abstract]:China's organized crime in the history of development, membership, organizational form, criminal means, political penetration, The degree of exposure and the tendency to internationalize the crime are very different from the western organized crime: the development history of the western organized crime is almost straight-line and has never been severely attacked and effectively controlled; Our government has dealt a devastating blow to it, but in recent years it has resurfaced. Among the members of organized crime in the West, there are rogues and white-collar leaders, and the members of organized crime in our country are mainly social idle persons and "two workers" released. The organized crime in the west has a fairly complete organizational form, and the organized crime in our country is in its infancy, but it has a tendency of rapid development. What is different from the means of organized crime in the West is that the means of organized crime in our country are more ferocious, barbaric and have a strong feudal color. The ability and degree of political infiltration of organized crime in China can not be compared with that of western organized crime, but its harm can not be ignored. The exposure to organized crime in our country is much higher than in the West. The degree of internationalization of organized crime in the West is very high, while the degree of internationalization in China is relatively low, mainly in local provinces.
【作者单位】: 湖南省公安高等专科学校!湖南长沙410006
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