[Abstract]:Since the 1960s, community correction, after nearly half a century of development, is increasingly maturing, conforming to the historical trend of the development of the penal system civilization, and has achieved good social benefits. With the development of reform and opening-up and judicial system reform, the thought of governing the country according to law is deeply rooted in people's heart. Establishing a scientific view of execution and paying attention to the execution of penalties other than imprisonment have received great attention from the criminal law and practical circles. In July 2003, the Supreme people's Court, the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Ministry of Public Security, The Ministry of Justice jointly issued the notice on Community Correction, and decided to carry out the pilot work of Community Correction in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong and other provinces and cities, which marked the formal start of the pilot work of Community Correction in China. At present, 25 provinces and municipalities across the country have carried out pilot work, 5 years of community correction pilot, remarkable results. However, in the process of judicial practice of community correction, the deviation of people's understanding of community correction, the lag of law and the low content of science and technology still restrict the further development of community correction. Especially, the problem of legal lag has become the biggest problem that community correction faces, and it has formed some resistance to the development of community correction work. The positive judicial practice of community correction creates conditions for amending and establishing laws and regulations of community correction. In this paper, the concept of community correction, basic characteristics, historical development and legal norms of community correction in various countries are briefly introduced, and the status of the pilot work of community correction in China is summarized. This paper draws out the legal problems in developing community correction in our country, and expounds it from four aspects: first, there are defects in the legislative provisions of the legal basis of community correction. This paper probes into the legality of the circular issued jointly by the Supreme people's Procuratorate, the Supreme people's Court, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of Justice on developing the pilot work of community correction. Second, the community correction work on public welfare labor related provisions are illegal. Third, the regulation of community correction subject is illegal. Fourth, the scope of application of community correction objects is unreasonable. This paper specifically expounds that people deprived of political rights should not be included in community correction, that there is conflict between community correction and reeducation through labor in the scope of use, and the fifth is the lack of procedural provisions in community correction. In view of the above legal problems, this paper puts forward the conception of legislation and system perfection in connection with the judicial practice. In particular, there are the following aspects: first, we should give the judicial administrative organs the power to enforce the law. As the concrete executive organ of the trial work of judicial community correction, there is no law enforcement power in the law, and the public security organ is not suitable as the subject of penalty enforcement, so it is proposed to give the judicial administrative organ the power to enforce the law. Second, community service penalty should be added. This paper gives a detailed description of the concept and characteristics of community service penalty, the necessity of adding community service penalty and the legislative assumption, and explains the legislative form, applicable conditions, serving time, content and place of community service penalty. Third, it is necessary to expand the scope of application of community correction. We should constantly improve the legislation on regulation, probation, parole and execution outside prison. Fourth, to provide community correction procedures. Aiming at the stage of judgment and ruling in the pilot work of community correction, the connecting stage between the decision of community correction and the execution, and the stage of termination or revocation of community correction, different procedural guarantees are envisaged.
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