[Abstract]:Kunming Command School of Public Security Fire fighting Forces is the only vocational school in China that recruits candidates for primary fire fighting units, and trains fire fighting rescue commanders at the basic level. In order to further improve the quality of teaching, raise the level of talent training, ensure that the students trained in the school can meet the needs of the development of fire fighting rescue and rescue in the primary fire fighting units. In recent years, the school has invested a lot of manpower, material resources and financial resources in the teaching material construction. In the teaching material construction planning, the two basic courses of "inorganic chemistry" and "organic chemistry" are also the teaching materials that the school will soon focus on. It is of great value and significance to develop chemistry teaching materials which can not only meet the needs of society and occupation, but also meet the actual conditions of students. Based on the characteristics of fire fighting and rescue command of public security fire fighting units and the actual situation of students, the author combines the national requirements for vocational education. Taylor's curriculum theory and the current theories of curriculum construction at home and abroad have studied the problems existing in the current use of two chemistry textbooks in schools, the necessity of construction, the construction of chemistry teaching materials in the future, the evaluation of teaching materials, and so on. The prototype of chemistry teaching material of fire control command specialty was established, and the preliminary results of the research were put into teaching practice to test the research results. From the teaching practice of one year, the research results have certain progress significance, put forward some positive and meaningful viewpoints, and provide a certain reference for the construction of chemistry teaching materials and other teaching materials of fire control command specialty in the future.
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