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发布时间:2018-09-11 16:27
【摘要】: 目的了解合肥市犯罪青少年心理健康水平的现状,并对可能影响该群体心理健康水平的因素进行分析,为进一步在犯罪青少年中丌展心理健康教育和干预提供科学依据。 方法采用整群抽样的方法抽取合肥市某未管所的八个中队,再采用单纯随机抽样的方法在每个中队抽取51人共408人进行统一的集中问卷调查,运用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和父母子女关系测评量表进行心理健康水平的筛查及父母子女关系行为困扰程度的评定。 结果共调查犯罪青少年408人,其中男性393人,女性15人,年龄在13-30岁之间,平均年龄为18.99±1.95岁;在心理健康水平筛查的10个因子中,有3.2%的个体出现躯体化症状,有6.9%的个体出现强迫症状,7.4%出现人际关系敏感症状,4.9%的个体出现抑郁症状,4.9%的个体出现焦虑症状,9.8%的个体出现敌对症状,2.2%出现恐怖症状,7.1%出现偏执症状,5.9%个体出现精神病性躯体化症状,有8.3%的个体出现其他症状。总筛查阳性率为21.3%,其中男性为21.1%,女性为26.7%,差异无显著性(χ~2=0.265,P=0.607),不同年龄组之间各因子筛查阳性率及总筛查阳性率差异也无显著性。在可能影响犯罪青少年心理健康水平的因素中,单因素分析结果显示:家庭住址(χ~2=4.149,P=0.042)、学习压力(χ~2=11.068,P=0.001)、父母关系(χ~2=5.363,P=0.021;χ~2=5.363,P=0.010)和父母是否外出打工(χ~2=3.303,P=0.083)等因素可能对犯罪青少年心理健康水平的有影响。多因素研究结果显示在控制其它变量的影响有,对心理健康水平的影响因素为学习压力和父母关系紧张。另外,通过父母子女关系测评量表筛查出的父母子女关系困扰程度评分与犯罪青少年的心理健康也有一定的相关性(r=0.283,P=0.000),行为困扰问题越严重,心理健康水平越差。另外对父母子女关系困扰程度通过多项有序单因素logisitic回归分析,结果显示,影响父母关系困扰程度的影响因素主要有上学程度、上学时与同学关系、学习压力、家庭经济状况、母亲文化程度、与父亲关系、犯错误时父母是如何管教、父母是否外出打工;多因素分析结果显示:影响父母子女关系困扰程度的影响因素主要是学习压力、家庭经济状况及母亲文化程度。结论犯罪青少年该群体中存在着较为严重的心理健康问题,影响其心理健康水平的因素有家庭住址、学习压力、父母关系和父母是否外出,特别是父母关系紧张不利于儿童青少年心理健康成长,父母子女关系困扰程度越严重,其心理健康水平越差,学习压力、家庭经济状况及母亲文化程度等因素是影响父母子女关系困扰程度的主要影响因素。因此我们应该在他们的家庭环境和生活环境中大力开展心理健康有关影响因素的宣传教育,使犯罪青少年能够全面地理解和掌握关于心理健康水平的相关知识,树立正确的世界观与人生观。尤其要抓住犯罪青少年世界观、价值观正在形成的好时机,保护其身心健康发展。
[Abstract]:Objective To understand the status quo of mental health of juvenile delinquents in Hefei and analyze the factors that may affect the mental health of juvenile delinquents so as to provide scientific basis for further mental health education and intervention among juvenile delinquents.
Methods Eight squadrons from an unregulated hospital in Hefei were sampled by cluster sampling. A total of 408 squadrons were sampled by simple random sampling. A centralized questionnaire survey was conducted among 51 squadrons. Symptom Checklist 90 (SCL-90) and Parent-Child Relationship Scale were used to screen the mental health status of the squadrons and examine the relationship between parents and children. Evaluation of the degree of distress.
Results A total of 408 juvenile delinquents were investigated, including 393 males and 15 females, aged between 13 and 30 years, with an average age of 18.99 (+ 1.95); among the 10 factors of mental health screening, 3.2% had somatic symptoms, 6.9% had obsessive-compulsive symptoms, 7.4% had interpersonal sensitivity symptoms, and 4.9% had depression. Depressive symptoms occurred in 4.9% of the individuals, hostile symptoms in 9.8%, phobic symptoms in 2.2%, paranoid symptoms in 7.1%, psychotic somatization in 5.9% and other symptoms in 8.3% of the individuals. The total positive rate of screening was 21.3%, 21.1% in males and 26.7% in females, with no significant difference (_~2 = 0.265, P = 0.607). Among the factors that may affect the mental health of juvenile delinquents, single factor analysis showed that family address (_~2 = 4.149, P = 0.042), learning pressure (_~2 = 11.068, P = 0.001), parental relationship (_~2 = 5.363, P = 0.021; _~2 = 5.363, P = 0.010). The results of multivariate analysis showed that the influence of other variables on the mental health of juvenile delinquents were learning stress and parental tension. In addition, parent-child relationship scale was used to screen out the influencing factors on the mental health of juvenile delinquents. The scores of parental and child relationship disturbance were also correlated with the mental health of juvenile delinquents (r = 0.283, P = 0.000). The more serious the behavior disturbance, the worse the mental health level. The main influencing factors are the degree of schooling, the relationship with schoolmates, learning pressure, family economic status, mother's educational level, the relationship with father, how parents discipline when they make mistakes, and whether parents go out to work or not. The results of multi-factor analysis show that the main influencing factors are learning pressure and family economics. Conclusion There are serious mental health problems among the juvenile delinquents. The factors influencing their mental health are family address, study pressure, parental relationship and parental absence, especially the tense parental relationship, which is not conducive to the mental health development of the juvenile delinquents and the relationship between parents and children is difficult. The more serious the disturbance is, the worse the mental health level is. Learning pressure, family economic status and mother's educational level are the main factors affecting the disturbance degree of the relationship between parents and children. Teenagers can fully understand and master the relevant knowledge about mental health level, establish a correct world outlook and outlook on life, especially to seize the world outlook of juvenile delinquents, values are forming a good time to protect their physical and mental health development.


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