[Abstract]:The occurrence of the crime of securities trading is closely related to the appearance of the securities market. The securities market in our country has just started, so the crime of securities trading also belongs to a relatively new type of crime. In recent years, there have been many abnormal phenomena in China's securities market, and rampant speculative crimes have seriously hindered the healthy development of the securities market. With this in mind, this paper preliminarily discusses the historical evolution, the constitution characteristics and the causes of the crime of securities trading in China, and puts forward some preventive measures in order to effectively resist the crime of securities trading and purify the securities market. This paper includes three parts: preface, text and conclusion. The preface briefly explains the original intention of this paper to discuss the crime of securities trading. The text is divided into five chapters. In the first chapter, the author introduces the concept and characteristics of securities and securities trading market, and briefly introduces some basic knowledge of securities as the basis. Securities have the characteristics of circulation, fictitious, risk, and so on. In the second chapter, the author discusses the concept and characteristics of the crime of securities trading, as well as the historical evolution of the crime of securities trading, and analyzes the present situation of the crime of securities trading in China. Because of the limitation and immaturity of the history in the early period, the securities crime only presents the low-level, simple form of crime. With the gradual improvement of the securities criminal law, the securities trading crime has more concealment. Sophisticated forms of intelligence, such as insider trading, market manipulation, and the whole crime scene continue unabated. The crime of securities trading in our country presents the intelligence, the main body of the crime is the large number of institutions, the victim of crime is not specific, the dark number is relatively high and so on. In the third chapter, the author discusses the constitutive characteristics of the crime of securities trading, focusing on the crime of manipulating the price of securities trading, insider trading, disclosure of insider information, and the crime of enticing investors to buy and sell securities. Fabricating and disseminating the objective aspects of securities trading crimes such as the crime of false information in securities trading, To distinguish it from other WP=4 charges. And the identification of related crimes were analyzed. In the fourth chapter, the author discusses the causes of frequent crime in securities trading, and analyzes these reasons. Focus on the objective reasons, that is, the securities market itself and the policy system. It is pointed out that the government has too much intervention in the securities market, and there are many problems in the operation mechanism of the securities market, and the unfair administration of justice also connives at the crime of securities trading to a certain extent. In the fifth chapter, the author probes into the countermeasures of resisting the crime of securities trading, and puts forward that the supervision system should be reformed, the judicial justice should be ensured, and the relevant system of the securities trading market should be perfected in order to counter the increasingly serious crime of securities trading. The conclusion further explains the purpose and significance of the paper.
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