[Abstract]:As an important legal system in our country, the system of re-education through labor has played a certain role in consolidating the socialist regime, maintaining public order, preventing and reducing crime, and has ensured the smooth progress of socialist construction. However, with the gradual improvement of socialist democracy and rule of law in China, many defects in the system of reeducation through labor have gradually appeared. Some aspects of the reeducation through labor system have hindered the implementation of the strategy of ruling the country according to law and are not conducive to the protection of civil rights and human rights. This paper analyzes the development of reeducation through labor, its defects, the nature of reeducation through labor, and the legal construction of reeducation through labor. In the first part of this paper, the concept, history and function of the system of reeducation through labor in our country and the comparison between the system of reeducation through labor and that of foreign countries are described. The paper fully demonstrates the historical function of the reeducation through labor system and the difference of the foreign reeducation system. The second part makes a deep and rational analysis of the current system of reeducation through labor from the aspects of legal basis, entity, procedure and evidence, and points out that the current system of re-education through labor needs to be further strengthened in two aspects: rationality and legality. The third part innovates the current system of reeducation through labor from two aspects of the entity and procedure of reeducation through labor, and constructs a system of reeducation through labor that is governed by law and conforms to the national conditions of our country.
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