[Abstract]:The securities market is in an extremely important position in the modern financial market system. In our country, it is at the stage of development and perfection, it is also one of the important channels of financing, and it is an important part of the socialist market economy system of our country. It plays an important role in the further development and improvement of our socialist market economy. The purpose of this paper is to curb the illegal crime of securities, to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the securities market, and to promote the rapid and healthy development of our socialist market economy. This article is divided into three parts: the first part, analyzes and summarizes the current situation of securities market crime. At present, the securities market, "illegal dark number" larger. These illegal dark numbers are extremely unfavorable to the healthy development of the securities market. The reason for the formation of "illegal dark numbers" lies in the concept of law enforcement. There are also the technical means to investigate and deal with securities crimes and the reasons why the working skills of investigating and dealing with illegal crimes lag behind, and at the same time, there are reasons for those who commit securities crimes to evade investigation and punishment. At present, there is a kind of "spectacle" of violation of laws and regulations in China's securities market, which means that the rate of recidivism is relatively high, and the higher rate of "recidivism" is mainly concentrated in the securities companies and occurs mostly in the secondary market. Under the above circumstances, the forms of securities offending crimes have been diversified in the past in a single form. This diversification is not only manifested in the diversification of securities companies, listed companies, securities intermediaries, and so on. It is also manifested in the diversification of securities illegal and criminal acts. In addition, the lag of laws and regulations, also make securities criminal behavior organic can succeed. The second part, carries on the macroscopic analysis to the securities illegal crime reason. The reason of securities crime is not only internal, but also directly related to the short external environment in the history of securities market development. The main external reasons are as follows: 1. The lack of independent and effective administration of justice is an important condition for securities crime; 2. Unreasonable ownership structure is the major cause of securities market chaos; 3. Weak supervision is the hotbed of securities crime. 4. The lack of accountability for civil liability has contributed to the illegal and criminal conduct of securities. The third part, according to the research of the aforementioned part, this part is mainly a constructive discussion, from six aspects to put forward the prevention and punishment of securities illegal and criminal policies and improve the legal system, including: to strengthen investor education, Promote rational investment, strengthen risk prompt; perfect the company legal system of our country; perfect the securities supervision rule and strengthen the supervision measure; perfect the legislation of the punishment law of our country; Actively build a law enforcement team that not only understands securities finance, but also is proficient in legal business and case handling skills; boldly carries out reforms to break the monopoly of securities companies.
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