[Abstract]:The core of fire service is to prevent and control fire. Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's social economy, the threat of fire to national property and people's lives has gradually expanded. How to solve the problem of effective supply of fire protection services has become an urgent task. As public goods, the fire service has the general characteristics of non-exclusive and non-competitive consumption, and the failure of the market to regulate the production and consumption of public goods has become a sufficient reason for the government to intervene in the fire service. However, in practice, the contradiction between supply and demand caused by the system arrangement of government monopoly fire service becomes more and more prominent. The government also has the phenomena of low efficiency, insufficient supply and free rider in monopoly operation of fire service. Based on the discussion of the attributes of fire service items, the evolution of fire service system in China is investigated along the track of historical development, and on the basis of analyzing the present situation and gap of fire service in China, This paper points out the defects and drawbacks of the system arrangement of government intervention in fire service, and puts forward some policy suggestions for seeking efficient fire service system and improving fire service. Through analysis, it is found that the government is not the only solution to the problem of effective supply of fire protection services. The market, autonomous and non-governmental organizations and even individuals can optimize the efficiency of fire service supply. This has certain guiding significance to the current fire protection system reform practice.
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