发布时间:2018-11-20 12:17
[Abstract]:Creating a good road traffic environment is an important part of promoting the socialist modernization drive, but with the increasing number of vehicles and drivers, as well as the increasing mileage of the open roads, Traffic accident-prone road traffic safety seriously restricts the process of urban and rural modernization. Through consulting literature, questionnaire, inductive analysis, reasoning and other research methods, this paper takes a series of people, cars, roads, environment and other road traffic safety work elements as the research object. This paper studies the typical urban-rural road traffic management measures in Minhou county. It is concluded that in the course of road traffic management in Minhou County, we should adhere to the scientific concept of development and follow the overall requirements of "government leading, department director, social linkage, participation of the whole people, joint management and comprehensive management". Give full play to subjective initiative, coordinate and handle the relationship of "people, cars, roads, and environment", base on the present and look forward to the future, and take "sound preventive mechanisms, sound safety facilities, orderly traffic, drop in traffic accidents, and smooth and safe roads," Good traffic environment is the central content, with "pressure accident, safety, smooth" as the core goal, scientific management, benefit for the people, and strive to create "safety, smooth, civilized, harmonious, convenient, fast and efficient," Comfortable road traffic environment, to enhance the satisfaction of the masses on road traffic safety, to help Fujian Hou science leaps and bounds development.
[Abstract]:Creating a good road traffic environment is an important part of promoting the socialist modernization drive, but with the increasing number of vehicles and drivers, as well as the increasing mileage of the open roads, Traffic accident-prone road traffic safety seriously restricts the process of urban and rural modernization. Through consulting literature, questionnaire, inductive analysis, reasoning and other research methods, this paper takes a series of people, cars, roads, environment and other road traffic safety work elements as the research object. This paper studies the typical urban-rural road traffic management measures in Minhou county. It is concluded that in the course of road traffic management in Minhou County, we should adhere to the scientific concept of development and follow the overall requirements of "government leading, department director, social linkage, participation of the whole people, joint management and comprehensive management". Give full play to subjective initiative, coordinate and handle the relationship of "people, cars, roads, and environment", base on the present and look forward to the future, and take "sound preventive mechanisms, sound safety facilities, orderly traffic, drop in traffic accidents, and smooth and safe roads," Good traffic environment is the central content, with "pressure accident, safety, smooth" as the core goal, scientific management, benefit for the people, and strive to create "safety, smooth, civilized, harmonious, convenient, fast and efficient," Comfortable road traffic environment, to enhance the satisfaction of the masses on road traffic safety, to help Fujian Hou science leaps and bounds development.
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