[Abstract]:After more than ten years' development, comprehensive management of social security has become a crime management mode with Chinese characteristics. However, how to break through the passive situation of "strong slogan and difficult operation" in practice is the urgent task of comprehensive management of social security. Situational prevention is one of the mainstream theories of crime prevention in the world in recent years. Its remarkable achievements in western countries make it stand in harmony with social prevention and judicial prevention. The comprehensive management of social security starts from the macroscopic angle, deduces the preventive measure step by step to the microscopic situation, overall vision is strong; The situational crime prevention theory starts with the micro-prevention practice and generalizes the preventive measures into guiding macro principles. The author believes that it has special application value and practical significance to draw lessons from situational crime prevention theory in the process of comprehensive management of social security in China. This paper begins with the exploration of the practical application of situational crime prevention theory in the process of comprehensive management of social security in China, and analyzes the application experience of situational crime prevention theory in the practice of comprehensive management of social security in China with a large number of positive examples. In this paper, the author tries to find a common point between the theory of situational crime prevention and the comprehensive management of social security in our country, and thinks that the theory of situational crime prevention should be applied in the comprehensive management of social security according to local conditions. Shifting the focus from eliminating the root causes of crime to changing and utilizing the environment, increasing the difficulty and cost of crime, can reduce or eliminate the opportunities of crime, save scarce social prevention resources, and improve the overall effectiveness of comprehensive management of public security. In the future, the idea of crime prevention in our country should be to deepen the theoretical research of situational crime prevention within the overall framework of comprehensive management of social security, to vigorously promote the practice of situational crime prevention, and to make it compatible with the traditional social prevention. The judicial prevention cooperates with each other and sets up the system of crime prevention in a trinity, so that the overall ability of preventing and controlling the public security in our country is raised to a new level.
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