[Abstract]:With the more and more extensive application of criminal psychological testing technology in the field of criminal justice in our country, the qualification level of psychological testing personnel is constantly improving, and the psychological testing procedures and methods are gradually standardized. The technical level of psychological test and the accuracy of test conclusion are improved constantly, which makes it possible to legalize the evidence of the conclusion of criminal psychological test. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the principle of criminal psychological test, to analyze the evidence attribute of the conclusion of criminal psychological test, to formulate the rules and systems of criminal psychological test in accordance with the national conditions of our country, to promote the scientization of criminal technology and litigation evidence. Professional development has positive significance. There are many problems in the application of criminal psychology test in our country at the present stage, such as lack of specialized training institutions, lack of professional self-discipline organization, low quality of test personnel, low accuracy rate of test and awkward judicial status, and so on. In view of these problems, it is necessary to comb them systematically and find out the solutions to these problems. At present, there are a lot of researches on the evidence validity of the criminal psychological test and its conclusion, but the differences are quite big, which do not form a generally accepted conclusion, nor can the thesis systematically discuss the criminal psychological test. I feel that it is necessary to clarify some concepts and solve some problems through my own work practice and opinions. By introducing the principle of criminal psychological test and its application in foreign countries, this paper uses positive and negative cases to introduce the current development and present situation of criminal psychological test in China, so as to discuss the evidential effect of the conclusion of criminal psychological test. This paper analyzes the effect of its application and its system significance, and puts forward a preliminary conception for the construction of criminal psychological testing system in our country.
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