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发布时间:2019-01-04 18:46
【摘要】:司法鉴定活动的合法性、科学性、公正性、有效性,在很大程度上取决于司法鉴定的监督机制。然而,令人遗憾的是,我国的立法对司法鉴定监督的规定却不多,即使有所涉及也往往缺乏可操作性。由于监督的机制和制度不完善导致了重新鉴定不断,案件久拖不决,甚至导致了不少震惊全国的冤假错案。因此,深入研究我国司法鉴定监督的现状,发现监管制度的缺陷,着力构建有效的监督机制,是亟待解决的问题。 全文共分为四部分。 第一部分,绪论,主要介绍选题的意义、研究的现状及本文的研究对象、研究方法与力图实现的创新。 第二部分,我国司法鉴定监督的概述。该部分首先对监督的内涵进行阐述,然后过渡到我国司法鉴定的监督这个论题,指出当前我国司法鉴定监督机制的不合理现状,并进一步探讨加强我国司法鉴定监督的依据。 第三部分,司法鉴定监督的内容。该部分主要包括如下四个内容: 对司法鉴定启动权的监督。该部分首先对司法鉴定启动制度进行了域外考察,指出当事人主义启动模式和职权主义启动模式各自的优点和缺点;进而详细地介绍我国司法鉴定的启动模式及启动权的监督现状;最后,以我国司法制度和证据制度的实际情况为基础,借鉴英美法系和大陆法系国家的先进经验,构建合理的司法鉴定启动权监督机制。 对鉴定实施权的监督。该部分主要包括四个方面的内容:对鉴定受理的监督、对鉴定实施的监督、严格执行内部复核制度和对重新鉴定的监督。针对上述每一个环节在司法实践中频繁出现的问题,作者构建了具体的监督机制。 对重新鉴定的监督。该部分主要论述了重新鉴定在我国存在的主要问题,进而针对这些问题,提出加强对重新鉴定监督的措施。 对鉴定意见的监督。该部分主要介绍四个方面的内容:对鉴定文书内容与形式的监督、完善告知制度、强化法庭质证、对鉴定意见采信与否的监督。在上述的每一方面内容里,作者针对司法实践中出现的具体问题,构建了相应的监督和制约机制。 第四部分,司法鉴定监督制度的构建与鉴定人的责任体系的完善。该部分首先论述了重构我国司法鉴定监督制度必须坚持的原则。然后,介绍我国司法鉴定人的责任形式及存在的问题,进而针对这些问题,提出完善我国司法鉴定人责任制度的具体措施。最后,提出具体的立法建议。
[Abstract]:The legality, science, fairness and validity of judicial expertise depend to a great extent on the supervision mechanism of judicial expertise. However, it is regrettable that there are few regulations on the supervision of judicial expertise in our legislation, even if they are involved, they are often lack of maneuverability. Because of the imperfect mechanism and system of supervision, it has led to continuous reappraisal, protracted cases, and even a lot of false and false cases that shocked the whole country. Therefore, it is urgent to study the current situation of judicial expertise supervision in China, find out the defects of supervision system and build an effective supervision mechanism. The full text is divided into four parts. The first part, introduction, mainly introduces the significance of the topic, the present situation of the research, the research object, the research method and the innovation that tries to realize. The second part, the overview of judicial expertise supervision in China. In this part, the connotation of supervision is first expounded, then the topic of supervision of judicial expertise in our country is transferred to the topic, pointing out the unreasonable present situation of supervision mechanism of judicial expertise in our country at present, and further discussing the basis of strengthening supervision of judicial expertise in our country. The third part, the content of judicial expertise supervision. This part mainly includes the following four contents: the supervision of the right of initiation of forensic identification. This part firstly makes an overseas investigation on the system of the initiation of forensic expertise, and points out the advantages and disadvantages of the starting mode of litigant doctrine and the starting mode of the doctrine of authority. Then it introduces in detail the starting mode of judicial expertise and the current situation of supervision of start-up power in our country. Finally, based on the actual situation of the judicial system and the evidence system in our country, and drawing on the advanced experience of the common law system and the continental law system, a reasonable supervision mechanism of the initiation right of judicial identification is constructed. Supervision of the power of implementation of appraisal. This part mainly includes four aspects: supervision of appraisal acceptance, supervision of appraisal implementation, strict implementation of internal review system and supervision of reappraisal. In view of the above mentioned each link frequently appears in the judicial practice question, the author has constructed the concrete supervision mechanism. Supervision of reappraisal This part mainly discusses the main problems of reappraisal in our country, and then puts forward some measures to strengthen the supervision of reappraisal. Supervision of appraisal opinions This part mainly introduces the contents of four aspects: the supervision of the content and form of the appraisal document, the perfection of the system of informing, the strengthening of the cross-examination of the court, and the supervision of whether the appraisal opinion is accepted or not. In each of the above aspects, the author constructs the corresponding supervision and restriction mechanism in view of the specific problems in judicial practice. The fourth part, the construction of the judicial appraisal supervision system and the perfection of the appraiser's responsibility system. This part first discusses the principles that must be adhered to in the reconstruction of the supervision system of judicial expertise in China. Then, this paper introduces the forms and problems of judicial connoisseur's responsibility in our country, and then puts forward some concrete measures to perfect the responsibility system of judicial connoisseur in our country. Finally, specific legislative suggestions are put forward.


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6 郝晓s,




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