[Abstract]:The theory of expected possibility is the core theory of normative liability theory, which is the mainstream theory of criminal liability in civil law countries, especially in Germany and Japan. This theory originated on March 23, 1897, in the jurisprudence of the fourth Criminal Department of the German Reich Court in the case of "the fetish horse case," and was constantly studied and sublimated by many scholars of normative responsibility, such as Meyer, Frank, Goldsmith, Schmitt, and so on. It took more than 20 years to replace the theory of psychological responsibility in Germany. At the beginning of Zhaohe period, the scholars, such as Takimura, Taki, Taki and Taki, were introduced into Japan, which were generally accepted by the criminal law circles and advocated, so that the framework of the theory of expectation possibility became more mature. After the second World War, he became the favorite of the criminal liability theory, popular in the continental law system countries, and has the title of crisis theory. This article takes this theory as the object, carries on the multi-angle, multi-directional but not the all-around analysis and the annotation, in order to promote the Chinese to this extremely perceptual criminal responsibility theory attention. In addition to the introduction and conclusions, this paper is divided into six chapters. The first chapter is an analysis of the concept of expectation possibility. This chapter discusses the concept of expectation possibility in the criminal system of the continental law system and the concept in the crime theory system of our country respectively, and holds that the concept of the expectation possibility in the civil law system should be expressed as follows: the so-called expected possibility. It refers to the external and internal situation when the act is carried out, it can be expected that the perpetrator who has the criminal responsibility capacity unintentionally or negligently carries out the illegal act which should be considered in the constitutive elements; Under the criminal theory system of our country, the concept of expectation possibility can be expressed as: the so-called expectation possibility refers to the internal and external situation when the act is carried out. Can expect to meet the main elements of the crime of the perpetrator unintentionally or negligently in accordance with the criminal law provisions of the literal act. The second chapter is the history and present situation of the theory of expectation possibility. This chapter mainly discusses the evolution of the theory of the possibility of expectation, but at the same time, it also examines the sparks that reflect the thought of the possibility of expectation before the formation of the theory, in addition to our country and the Anglo-American legal system. This paper analyzes and introduces the budding thought of expectation possibility in Russian criminal law. The third chapter is about the normative review of the theory of expectation possibility. This chapter investigates the criminal law of China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Taiwan and Macao, retrieves some articles which reflect the thought of the possibility of expectation, and makes a simple classification and analysis of the criminal law of China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Taiwan and Macao. Chapter four: the position of expectation possibility in the system of crime theory. This chapter makes a brief analysis of the position of the expected possibility in the crime theory system of our country and the civil law system, and points out that in the crime theory of WP=3 civil law system, the expected possibility should belong to the third positive element of responsibility. In our country crime theory system belongs to the crime subjective aspect positive appraisal factor. The fifth chapter is the rational analysis of the theory of expectation possibility. This chapter makes a detailed analysis of the theory of the possibility of expectation from the view of relative free will theory, tolerance and modesty of criminal law, punishment of crime and the relationship between crime and punishment. The sixth chapter is the judgment of expectation possibility. This chapter analyzes the factors that influence the possibility of expectation, the rules, limits and standards of the possibility of expectation.
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