[Abstract]:Since the reform and opening up, the economic level of our country has been greatly improved. In order to meet the needs of the people, intermediary organizations came into being. With the rapid development of intermediary organizations, the problem of intermediary crime has become increasingly prominent. Because of its great harmfulness, in order to contain the intermediary crime, our criminal law prescribes a large number of intermediary crimes. Intermediary crime is a kind of business crime in the field of market economy. This paper is divided into four parts to study the regulation of intermediary crime in criminal law. The first chapter introduces the evolution of intermediary organizations in the history of our country and the different appellations of "intermediary organizations" in various countries to deeply understand the intermediary organizations in our country. The author believes that the intermediary organization is a kind of social organization which is set up according to the relevant laws and regulations to provide professional services and undertake certain social responsibilities in accordance with certain principles. In the second chapter, in order to achieve the purpose of rational understanding of intermediary crime, the author introduces the concept of intermediary crime, classification, constitutive elements and the relevant provisions of China's criminal law on intermediary crime. Intermediary crime is a criminal activity carried out by intermediary organizations and their practitioners by taking advantage of their positions. The third chapter is the focus of this paper. In this chapter, the criminal law should not regulate intermediary crime too much. First, from the principle of modesty of criminal law, it shows that the excessive regulation of intermediary crime in current criminal law does not accord with the thought of saving punishment in modern criminal law. Second, because the intermediary crime takes blank crime as the main legislative method with the aid of the theory of "legal offense", it is very difficult for the criminal law to be "stable" in its application, and the masses can not understand the law effectively. Third, the administrative punishment is of great significance to standardize the intermediary illegal behavior. Because the intermediary illegal practice is the first to violate the relevant administrative regulations, the purpose of effective prevention and crackdown can be achieved by strictly enforcing the administrative punishment. The excessive restriction of intermediary behavior in China's criminal law seems to indicate that only criminal law can effectively regulate all social problems. In this article, the author intends to explain that criminal law is not the most effective means to regulate all social problems, and should not be extended too much to the field of economic life, and it is unnecessary to stipulate the problem of intermediary crime. In the fourth chapter, according to the judicial practice of our country, the author will draw out the method of effectively standardizing the intermediary activities, in order to realize the good desire to reduce the illegal and abnormal intermediary behavior and promote the benign and orderly development of the intermediary industry.
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