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发布时间:2019-02-24 10:23
【摘要】:上海,作为一个国际化大都市,自20世纪90年代我国开始实行社区卫生服务试点以来,社区卫生服务的发展就一直走在全国的前列。但是相对于户籍人口,对社区卫生服务需求较大的上海市外来流动人口在其供给与利用上却一直处于弱势地位,为外来流动人口提供基本的卫生医疗服务和健康保障一直困难重重,这不仅不利于社区卫生服务的深入发展,也不利于外来流动人口健康水平的提高。本文通过研究为外来流动人口提供社区卫生服务的供方、需方的现状和问题,并结合外部环境对社区卫生服务的影响,提出适合于上海市外来流动人口特点的社区卫生服务发展策略,从而提高上海市外来流动人口社区卫生服务供给与利用水平。 在研究方法上结合社会学、统计学、人口学、经济学等诸多学科知识,将理论研究与实证分析、定性分析与定量分析相结合,通过文献资料分析、调查问卷研究等调查方法,,并运用结构方程模型从需方角度对社区卫生服务的需求及利用进行满意度分析。分别讨论分析为外来流动人口提供社区卫生服务的供方、需方及外部环境的基本情况,综合多方面因素,提出适合于外来流动人口的社区卫生服务发展策略,从而提高上海市社区卫生服务发展水平,也为国内其他城市开展外来流动人口社区卫生服务提供参考与借鉴。主要研究内容如下: (1)通过查阅文献、资料,分析社区卫生服务的发展历史及基本现状,包括机构设置、服务内容、运行机制等,找出目前存在的问题。 (2)分析上海市社区卫生服务运行现状,特别是社区卫生服务中心的管理体制和运行机制,找出制约外来流动人口社区卫生服务发展的关键因素及供方在开展外来流动人口社区卫生服务过程中存在的主要问题。 (3)利用结构方程模型对外来流动人口社区卫生服务需求及利用进行满意度分析,从而找出外来流动人口社区卫生服务的潜变量之间的关系,即外来流动人口社区卫生服务各项影响因素与满意度之间的关系及其影响因素。
[Abstract]:Shanghai, as an international metropolis, has been in the forefront of the development of community health service since China began to implement the pilot community health service in the 90's of the 20th century. However, compared with the registered population, the floating population in Shanghai, which has a strong demand for community health services, has always been in a weak position in its supply and utilization. It is difficult to provide basic health and medical services and health security for the migrant population, which is not conducive to the further development of community health services, but also to the improvement of the health level of the migrant population. In this paper, we study the current situation and problems of the providers and consumers of community health services for migrant population, and combine the impact of external environment on community health services. The development strategy of community health service suitable for the characteristics of floating population in Shanghai was put forward in order to improve the supply and utilization level of community health service for migrant population in Shanghai. Combining the knowledge of sociology, statistics, demography, economics and so on in the research methods, combining theoretical research with empirical analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, through literature analysis, questionnaire research and other survey methods, The demand and utilization of community health services were analyzed by using the structural equation model from the perspective of demand side. This paper discusses and analyzes the basic situation of the supply side, the demand side and the external environment of the community health service for the migrant population, and puts forward the development strategy of the community health service suitable for the migrant population. So as to improve the development level of community health services in Shanghai, and also provide reference for other cities in China to carry out community health services for migrant population. The main research contents are as follows: (1) by consulting literature and data, this paper analyzes the development history and basic status of community health service, including institutional setup, service content, operation mechanism and so on, and finds out the existing problems. (2) analyze the current situation of community health service in Shanghai, especially the management system and operation mechanism of community health service center. The key factors restricting the development of community health service for migrant population and the main problems existed in the process of developing community health service for migrant population were found out. (3) the structural equation model is used to analyze the satisfaction degree of community health service demand and utilization of migrant population, so as to find out the relationship between the latent variables of community health service of migrant population. That is, the relationship between the influencing factors of community health service and satisfaction degree and its influencing factors.


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