[Abstract]:Fire-fighting reform and development is the objective requirement of social and economic development and the only way to realize the prosperity of fire-fighting industry. At present, there are many disadvantages in the fire protection system and mechanism in our country, such as the imperfect fire control legal system, the imperfect fire control administration system, the low socialization degree of fire fighting work, and the imperfection of the fire control system and the fire protection legal system. The popularization rate of fire protection propaganda and education is low, the consciousness of fire safety of social units and people is not strong, the ability of society to resist fire is weak, the development of fire fighting industry lags behind, and it is difficult to meet the needs of social development and international competition. In order to meet the needs of reform and opening up and to develop socialist market economy, it is necessary to accelerate the pace of fire control reform and development in order to realize the integration with international economy after China's entry into WTO. We should adapt to the requirements of ruling the country by law, establish and improve the fire protection legal system, control fire according to law, and build a socialist fire-fighting legal system; Adapt to the requirements of market economy, change the function of fire control administration, carry out macro-management service, establish a standardized, coordinated, transparent and efficient fire-fighting administration system; To mobilize the enthusiasm of all aspects of the society to carry out fire protection work, to establish the social fire safety management mechanism, to cultivate and develop fire-fighting intermediary affairs organizations, to use market lever to regulate and promote fire-fighting work, and to promote the socialization of fire-fighting work; To adapt to the requirements of socialist spiritual civilization construction, strengthen and improve fire fighting propaganda work, cultivate and carry forward the modern fire fighting culture with Chinese characteristics, and improve the fire safety consciousness and fire fighting quality of the whole people; To meet the requirements of market economy and China's entry into WTO, we should strengthen the management of fire-fighting products, promote the modernization of fire-fighting industry, and realize the rejuvenation of national fire-fighting industry. Through the reform and development of fire fighting, we should establish a modern fire fighting operation mechanism, which is compatible with the development of social economy in our country and in line with the international fire fighting system, so as to effectively prevent and reduce fire hazards and protect the safety of people's lives and property. Maintain social stability, promote socialist modernization, build a well-off society in an all-round way to create a good fire safety environment.
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