[Abstract]:In order to solve the problem that it is difficult to evaluate the people's satisfaction units and the people's satisfaction with the police, the quantitative evaluation method must be introduced. In quantitative evaluation, the index of satisfaction is more scientific and reasonable than the commonly used satisfaction rate. The quantitative evaluation method of satisfaction not only has the characteristics of scientific, open and simple operation, but also has a strong incentive function. It can really combine the masses of the people with the public security organs and evaluate mainly by the masses of the people. Using the quantitative satisfaction evaluation method to evaluate the people's satisfaction unit can be carried out according to the following steps: (1) defining all the work contents of the evaluated unit; (2) refining and quantifying all the work contents; (3) issuing and recovering the quantitative standard table; (4) statistical average satisfaction; (5) reward or punishment according to the predetermined satisfaction score line; (6) summary.
【作者单位】: 辽宁省公安厅办公室
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