小额信贷对农村妇女赋权影响的实证研究 ——来自孟加拉国的证据
发布时间:2021-03-25 13:00
【文章页数】:116 页
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the study
1.2 Concept of microcredit
1.2.1 Definition of microcredit
1.2.2 Microcredit service provider
1.2.3 Characteristics of microcredit
1.3 Socio-economic condition of Bangladesh
1.4 Status of women in Bangladesh
1.5 Purpose of the study
1.6 Problem statement
1.7 Research questions
1.8 Objectives of the study
1.9 Scope of the study
1.10 Structure of the study
2 Literature review
2.1 The positive impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment
2.2 The adverse or insignificant impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment
2.3 Empirical studies on impact of microcredit to women empowerment
2.3.1 Process-based impact studies
2.3.2 Outcome-based impact studies
3 Research methods and data collection
3.1 Accessibility to microcredit by rural women
3.1.1 Conceptual framework
3.1.2 Empirical framework
3.1.3 Explanation of variables
3.2 Assessing women’s empowerment impact of microcredit
3.2.1 Developing empowerment indicators
3.2.2 Model specification
3.2.3 Explanation of variables
3.3 Data collection route
3.3.1 Selection of the study area
3.3.2 Selection of sample and sampling techniques
3.3.3 Sample size
3.3.4 Method of data collection
3.3.5 Preparation of survey schedule and pre-testing
3.3.6 Period of survey
3.3.7 Collection of data
4 Empirical results and discussion
4.1 Descriptive statistics of the rural women households
4.2 Description of the amount of microcredit of the respondents
4.3 Description of the variable used in logit model
4.4 Empirical results of microcredit accessibility for rural women
4.5 Impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment indicators
4.5.1 Impact of microcredit on control over financial assets/resources
4.5.2 Impact of microcredit on control over mobility
4.5.3 Impact of microcredit on ability to make purchase independently
4.5.4 Impact of microcredit on participation in decision making…
4.5.5 Impact of microcredit on legal awareness
5 General discussion,conclusions and future perspectives
5.1 General discussion
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Policy implication
5.4 Research scope and limitation
5.5 Future perspectives for the study
Shorten version of the thesis in Chinese
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
【文章页数】:116 页
List of Abbreviations
1 Introduction
1.1 Rationale of the study
1.2 Concept of microcredit
1.2.1 Definition of microcredit
1.2.2 Microcredit service provider
1.2.3 Characteristics of microcredit
1.3 Socio-economic condition of Bangladesh
1.4 Status of women in Bangladesh
1.5 Purpose of the study
1.6 Problem statement
1.7 Research questions
1.8 Objectives of the study
1.9 Scope of the study
1.10 Structure of the study
2 Literature review
2.1 The positive impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment
2.2 The adverse or insignificant impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment
2.3 Empirical studies on impact of microcredit to women empowerment
2.3.1 Process-based impact studies
2.3.2 Outcome-based impact studies
3 Research methods and data collection
3.1 Accessibility to microcredit by rural women
3.1.1 Conceptual framework
3.1.2 Empirical framework
3.1.3 Explanation of variables
3.2 Assessing women’s empowerment impact of microcredit
3.2.1 Developing empowerment indicators
3.2.2 Model specification
3.2.3 Explanation of variables
3.3 Data collection route
3.3.1 Selection of the study area
3.3.2 Selection of sample and sampling techniques
3.3.3 Sample size
3.3.4 Method of data collection
3.3.5 Preparation of survey schedule and pre-testing
3.3.6 Period of survey
3.3.7 Collection of data
4 Empirical results and discussion
4.1 Descriptive statistics of the rural women households
4.2 Description of the amount of microcredit of the respondents
4.3 Description of the variable used in logit model
4.4 Empirical results of microcredit accessibility for rural women
4.5 Impact of microcredit on rural women empowerment indicators
4.5.1 Impact of microcredit on control over financial assets/resources
4.5.2 Impact of microcredit on control over mobility
4.5.3 Impact of microcredit on ability to make purchase independently
4.5.4 Impact of microcredit on participation in decision making…
4.5.5 Impact of microcredit on legal awareness
5 General discussion,conclusions and future perspectives
5.1 General discussion
5.2 Conclusions
5.3 Policy implication
5.4 Research scope and limitation
5.5 Future perspectives for the study
Shorten version of the thesis in Chinese
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C