发布时间:2022-08-01 16:34
【文章页数】:57 页
Main Arguments
Content and Structure of the Thesis
Research Methods
Significance of the Research
Chapter 1 The International Order: Different Views from Different Initiatives
1.1 The International Order and World Order
1.1.1The International Order
1.1.2 World Order
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 The Marshall Plan
1.2.2 The Belt and Road Initiative
1.2.3 The Comparison of the BRI and the Marshall Plan
1.3 Analytical Framework and Main Arguments
1.3.1 The View of International Order
1.3.2 Hegemonic Order
1.3.3 A Community with Shared Future
Chapter 2 The Marshall Plan
2.1 An Introduction to the Marshall Plan
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Implementation
2.1.3 Goals
2.2 Hegemonic Order
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 The“Belt and Road”Initiative (BRI)
3.1 An Introduction to the BRI
3.1.1 Background
3.1.2 Implementation
3.1.3 Goals
3.2 A Community with Shared Future
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 The Comparison between the BRI and the Marshall Plan
4.1 Standards for Access
4.1.1 The Standard for Access in the Marshall Plan
4.1.2 The Standard for Access in the BRI
4.2 The Attached Provisions
4.2.1 The Attached Provisions in the Marshall Plan
4.2.2 The Attached Provisions in the BRI
4.3 Drawing Rights of Capital
4.3.1 The Drawing Rights of Capital in the Marshall Plan
4.3.2 The Drawing Rights of Capital in the BRI
[1]“一带一路”倡议与现行国际体系的变革——一种与“马歇尔计划”比较的视角[J]. 洪邮生,孙灿. 南京大学学报(哲学·人文科学·社会科学). 2016(06)
[2]“一带一路”:中国的马歇尔计划?[J]. 金玲. 国际问题研究. 2015(01)
[3]理解中国现代丝绸之路战略——中国与世界深度互动的新型链接范式[J]. 邢广程. 世界经济与政治. 2014(12)
[4]马歇尔计划再认识[J]. 齐秀丽. 史学月刊. 2013(12)
[5]美国霸权的逻辑[J]. 王缉思. 美国研究. 2003(03)
[6]苏联行为的根源[J]. 乔治·F·凯南,张小明. 政治研究. 1988(01)
【文章页数】:57 页
Main Arguments
Content and Structure of the Thesis
Research Methods
Significance of the Research
Chapter 1 The International Order: Different Views from Different Initiatives
1.1 The International Order and World Order
1.1.1The International Order
1.1.2 World Order
1.2 Literature Review
1.2.1 The Marshall Plan
1.2.2 The Belt and Road Initiative
1.2.3 The Comparison of the BRI and the Marshall Plan
1.3 Analytical Framework and Main Arguments
1.3.1 The View of International Order
1.3.2 Hegemonic Order
1.3.3 A Community with Shared Future
Chapter 2 The Marshall Plan
2.1 An Introduction to the Marshall Plan
2.1.1 Background
2.1.2 Implementation
2.1.3 Goals
2.2 Hegemonic Order
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 The“Belt and Road”Initiative (BRI)
3.1 An Introduction to the BRI
3.1.1 Background
3.1.2 Implementation
3.1.3 Goals
3.2 A Community with Shared Future
3.3 Summary
Chapter 4 The Comparison between the BRI and the Marshall Plan
4.1 Standards for Access
4.1.1 The Standard for Access in the Marshall Plan
4.1.2 The Standard for Access in the BRI
4.2 The Attached Provisions
4.2.1 The Attached Provisions in the Marshall Plan
4.2.2 The Attached Provisions in the BRI
4.3 Drawing Rights of Capital
4.3.1 The Drawing Rights of Capital in the Marshall Plan
4.3.2 The Drawing Rights of Capital in the BRI
[1]“一带一路”倡议与现行国际体系的变革——一种与“马歇尔计划”比较的视角[J]. 洪邮生,孙灿. 南京大学学报(哲学·人文科学·社会科学). 2016(06)
[2]“一带一路”:中国的马歇尔计划?[J]. 金玲. 国际问题研究. 2015(01)
[3]理解中国现代丝绸之路战略——中国与世界深度互动的新型链接范式[J]. 邢广程. 世界经济与政治. 2014(12)
[4]马歇尔计划再认识[J]. 齐秀丽. 史学月刊. 2013(12)
[5]美国霸权的逻辑[J]. 王缉思. 美国研究. 2003(03)
[6]苏联行为的根源[J]. 乔治·F·凯南,张小明. 政治研究. 1988(01)