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发布时间:2016-05-30 06:02




十九世纪中期的两次鸦片战争均以清政府的失败结束,西方列强迫使清政府与其签订了一系列不平等条约,中国开始沦为半殖民地半封建社会。正是由于这样的历史背景,才催生了中国近代第一个外交使团——蒲安臣使团。1868年,美国人蒲安臣受命代表清政府出使西方各国,这是近代中国第一次以平等的身份向西方国家派出使团,其意 义非凡。蒲安臣使团历时两年多先后访问了美、英、法、普、俄等十一个国家,通过外交谈判让西方列强承认了中国的主权并允诺不以武力解决争端,一定程度上维护了清政府的主权和利益。尤其是在相对平等的基础上签订的《中美续增条约》即《蒲安臣条约》,更是随后几十年中国政府保护在美华工的法律武器,并为选派幼童赴美留学提供了条约保证,为中国近现代化的发展提供了丰富的人才储备。然而,由于特殊的历史条件,蒲安臣——一个曾经担任驻华公使的美国“合作政策”的捍卫者和实践者——成为清政府第一个外交使团的负责人。也许正是由于这个理由,以往国内学者对蒲安臣使团的研究几乎全盘否定。即使在革新开放后的二十年间,有关论著、教材在提到蒲安臣使团时,还大多持否定态度。随着思想的解放,经济社会的发展,人们对蒲安臣及蒲安臣使团的评价也逐渐客观起来,许多学者发表文章探讨其中的积极意 义。但是这些评述绝大部分仅着眼于局部、个别不足的探讨,或限于篇幅仅点到为止,并且存在着国内研究偏少、评价偏低,海外评价偏高、不够全面的缺陷和不足。因此,我们有必要对蒲安臣使团进行全面的研究和探讨,在尊重历史事实的基础上,客观公正地看待它在中国近代外交史上的地位和作用,以及它对中国近代化进程的影响。本文以历史唯物主义为指导,浅析浅析了蒲安臣使团产生的特殊历史背景,梳理和总结了蒲安臣使团的出使行程和取得的外交成果。认为蒲安臣使团的外交活动,在一定程度上维护了清政府的主权和利益,培养了中国自己的外交人员,增进了中西方的相互了解和交流。论文着重浅析浅析了蒲安臣使团成败得失的理由。蒲安臣使团出使,虽然取得了一些外交成果,但从根本上说却没有多少实质性的成果。西方列强不可能让中国真正强大起来,中国并没有像蒲安臣所期待的那样进行革新,这与蒲安臣的最初设想大相径庭。形成这种局面的理由与当时的国际国内政治环境及其发展变化密切相关,但究其根源则在于中国与西方列强之间存在着更本质上的矛盾冲突。其内在根源在于代表封建地主阶级的腐朽、落后的清政府已经严重阻碍生产力的发展,无法与先进的资本主义相抗衡。僵化衰弱的的清政府无法摆脱套在自己身上的枷锁,在面对西方列强侵略时,只能是任人宰割,被迫签订屈辱的条约。其外在表现则是东西方文化差异使双方不断产生分歧和误解,且由此进一步激发了各种各样矛盾的产生。最后,对蒲安臣使团的历史地位进行了评价,阐述了蒲安臣使团出使的积极作用和历史意 义。蒲安臣是一位十足的理想主义者,蒲安臣使团的产生是其理想主义外交思想的特殊产物,蒲安臣使团出使推动了近代中国外交体制的建立及中国社会的转变,一定程度上维护了清政府的利益,推动了中外人民的交往与友谊。蒲安臣使团出使是中国近代外交史上的一件大事,是中国外交从传统走向近代、从中国固有的朝贡体系走向先进的条约体系的开端,为中国近代外交制度的建立开辟了道路,同时也为中国打开了了解和学习西方的大门,推动了中外交流,催生了新生思想。因此,它在中国近代史和中国外交史上都应该占有一席之地。

【Abstract】 In the middle of the 19th century, the two Opium Wars ended in the failure of the Qing government. The Western powers forced a series of unequal treaties upon this government, which caused China declined to a semi-feudal and semi-colonial country. Under the historical background, the first diplomatic mission in modern China—the Burlingame mission—emerged. In 1868, Burlingame from the US was appointed minister to head a Chinese diplomatic mission to the Western countries. It was significant in that this was the first time for modern China to send mission to the Western countries on an equal basis. And it took the Burlingame mission two years to visit eleven countries as America, Britain, France, Prussia, and Russia. Through diplomatic negotiation, the mission led the Western powers to admit China’s sovereignty and promise resolving disputes without recourse to force, protecting to a certain extent the sovereignty and interests of the Qing government. Especially the Supplementary to the Reed Treaty, later known as the Burlingame Treaty, which was signed on an equal basis, became a legal weapon of Chinese government defending Chinese workers in the US for the following decades, and guaranteed the designated children to study in America legally, thus providing for the development of modern China with abundant resource of talented people.On special historical condition, Burlingame—an ambassador in China and a defender and practitioner of American "cooperative policy"—became a principal of the first diplomatic mission of the Qing government. Because of this, most scholars in China before rejected the Burlingame mission as a whole. Even during the two decades after the reform and opening-up, most of the scholars in their works and teaching materials held negative attitudes towards the Burlingame mission. With the development of liberated mind and developed economic society, people become objective in evaluating the man and his mission. Sometimes scholars analyze the positive significances in their articles. However, the evaluations are not prolific, and they mainly focus on discussing isolated and superficial problems. Furthermore, studies in China underestimate Burlingame and his mission, while studies abroad overestimate them. Therefore, we need to carry out the study of the Burlingame mission roundly and systematically. On the basis of respecting historical facts, we will discuss its status and effect on the diplomatic history in modern China as well as its influence in the process of modernizing China fairly and objectively. This study analyzes the special historical background for the emergence of the mission, organizes and summarizes the diplomatic journeys and achievements they made. We hold that the diplomatic activities of the mission maintained to a certain extent the Qing government’s sovereignty and interests, cultivated Chinese diplomats, and improved mutual understanding and communication between China and the Western countries. The study also analyzes in particular the cause of the mission’s success and failure. The Burlingame mission had gained certain benefits diplomatically, though without much substantial results. It goes against Burlingame’s primary imagination in that the Western powers didn’t lead China to be a strong and powerful nation, and the Chinese government didn’t carry out the reform as his expectation. This situation, on the one hand, was closely related with the political environment both in China and abroad at that time; on the other hand and most importantly, was linked with essential conflicts between China and the Western countries. Because the decayed and backward Qing government, representative of the feudal landlord class, had been seriously hindering the development of the productive forces, and was not able to compete with the advanced capitalism. Being unable to throw off the shackles, the fossilized Qing government had to be manipulated and forced to sign the humiliating treaties when faced with aggression of the Western powers. The external aspect presented continual misunderstanding caused by the cultural differences of China and Western countries, and further stimulated various problems. In the end, the study estimates historical status of the Burlingame mission, and also elaborates the positive effects and historical significance of the mission’s activities. Anson Burlingame was an idealist to the backbone. The Burlingame mission was thus a special product of his idealistic diplomatic thoughts, the diplomatic activities of which had improved the establishment and transformation of the diplomatic system in modern China, protected the interests of the Qing government, and promoted the communication and friendship between Chinese and foreigners.The diplomatic activities of the Burlingame ambassadors were significant for the history of modern China’s diplomacy in that they represented the starting point of China’s transformation from an antiquated society to a modern one, from the inherent feudalistic system to a more advanced treaty system, hence opening up a road for the foundation of Chinese diplomatic system. In the meantime, they accelerated intercommunication and facilitated new ideas, through keeping China opened to understanding and learning of the Western countries. As a result, the mission should take its place in the history of modern China and its diplomacy.

【关键词】 蒲安臣; 外交; 历史评价;
【Key words】 Burlingame; diplomacy; historical evaluation;

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  •   本文关键词:蒲安臣使团,由笔耕文化传播整理发布。




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