发布时间:2017-10-31 15:05
【摘要】:政治营销是美国政治活动中不可分割的一部分。本文从理论研究和实践剖析入手,详细分析了政治营销的现状及问题,并提出了相关建议。就理论而言,政治营销目前缺乏明确完整的理论框架。本文从政治营销的目的出发,强调政治营销的营销属性服务于其政治属性。在此基础上,本文分析了现有的政治营销定义及理念,并借用学者亨尼勃格(Henneberg)的定义,指出政治营销是试图建立、保持及巩固一种长期的政治关系,并在实现社会利益的同时,使某个个人或组织实现自身利益。此外,,通过分析、比较五类政治营销理念,本文指出“营销导向型”营销理念更利于选民及国家的长远利益。 在此基础上,本文分析了政治营销在2012年美国总统大选中的应用。分析表明,尽管学者认为“营销导向型”营销理念更为合理健康,但在此次大选中,“消费者导向型”依然起到了主导作用——它既是制定、落实政治营销战略的关键,也是决定选战胜负的关键。 本文认为,目前的政治营销存在矛盾性。尽管其有利于提高选民的知情权,但依然存在众多负面影响,包括对待选民的不公平性以及加重党派和社会的两极分化等。面对该现状,本文认为,其原因在于政治营销理论与实践研究的脱节和相关监管制度的缺位。本文提出,应将理论研究应用于对政治营销的规范之中,将政治营销融入美国选举体制中。此外,本文还讨论了政治营销的发展趋势,并对解决现有问题提出了相关建议。
【关键词】:政治营销 美国大选 奥巴马 罗姆尼
- Acknowledgements2-3
- Abstract3-4
- 摘要4-7
- List of Tables7-8
- Introduction8-11
- Chapter 1 Political Marketing: Development, Definitions and Concepts11-29
- 1.1 The Rise of Political Marketing and the Development of Political Marketing Studies11-16
- 1.1.1 Forces behind the Rise of Political Marketing12-15
- 1.1.2 The Development of Political Marketing and Political Marketing Studies15-16
- 1.2 The Ideas of Political Marketing16-29
- 1.2.1 Political Marketing: The Marriage of Politics and Marketing?17-18
- 1.2.2 Definition: What is Political Marketing?18-22
- 1.2.3 Concept: the Philosophy in Political Marketing22-26
- 1.2.4 Political Marketing Strategies and Marketing Mix26-29
- Chapter 2 The Application of Political Marketing in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign29-43
- 2.1 Campaign Background29-32
- 2.1.1 A Barely Satisfactory President vs. A Strong Rival29-31
- 2.1.2 Two Macro-factors Mattering to Strategy Identification31-32
- 2.2 The Selling of the Candidate32-38
- 2.2.1 Obama’s Political Marketing Strategies in 201233-34
- 2.2.2 Obama’s Key Marketing Measures34-37
- 2.2.3 Romney’s Unsuccessful Political Marketing Strategies37-38
- 2.3 The 2012 Presidential Campaign: Consumer Orientation or Marketing Orientation?38-40
- 2.4 Obama: The Right Choice or Not40-43
- Chapter 3 Political Marketing: Contradiction, Trend and Suggestions43-51
- 3.1 The Contradiction within Political Marketing43-47
- 3.1.1 The Merits of Political Marketing43-45
- 3.1.2 The Demerits of Political Marketing45-47
- 3.2 The Root Cause of the Problems in the Current Political Marketing47-49
- 3.2.1 The Gap between Political Marketing Practices and Political Marketing Studies47-48
- 3.2.2 The Lack of Sufficient Regulation on Political Marketing48-49
- 3.4 Future Development: Would Political Marketing Decline?49-51
- Conclusion51-52
- Bibliography52-55
- 附件55
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1 林怡;;为何还是奥巴马?——2012美国大选观后[J];领导文萃;2013年04期