本文关键词:缅北战事微妙影响大选 出处:《南风窗》2015年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
更多相关文章: 克钦独立军 民族地方 武装组织 腊戌 昂山 敏昂 军区司令 掸族 果敢特区 十年
[Abstract]:At present, as long as the government forces can successfully defeat Peng Jiasheng this time. It will be able to win a lot of votes for the songd party, which integrates the party, government, and the army and has decades of experience in military exchanges with the people and land. After five years of preparation, the "Kokang king" of Burma, Peng Jiasheng, led more than 2, 000 troops. On February 9th 2015, he returned to Kokang to "visit his relatives" and exchanged fire with government troops. On February 18th, Myanmar President Thein Sein announced the withdrawal of the Kokang Autonomous region Government. Kokang entered a state of military control. This is the second war between the two sides since August 2009, when the Burmese military went to war against Kokang and defeated Pang Jiasheng in three days, although two years after the last Battle of Kokang. Also with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), which is also a local ethnic armed group (hereinafter referred to as civilian and Land Arms).
【正文快照】: 目前来看,只要政府军这次能顺利击退彭家声,就能为集党政军于一体并有数十年与民池武交往经验的巩发党在年底大选中争取不少选票。 _甸“果敢王’’彭家声,经过*2015^2H16B.-:为保证2010年的政权转型成功包括今曰的国防总司令敏昂莱大5年的筹备后,带领2000多兵;;:':;及转型后
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