本文关键词:中国被收养儿童在美国的身份认同构建 出处:《华东师范大学》2012年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:身份认同研究本身的多面性使得各领域研究身份认同问题时聚焦在身份认同的某些方面进行研究。心理学与社会学领域对身份认同问题最为关注,但两者的研究视角不甚相同,甚至有时是相对的。心理学家更注重从个人心理层面进行剖析,而社会学家者更关注在宏观的社会层面上各个群体是如果构建他们的身份认同的。 美国白人收养中国儿童的现象在20世纪90年代才出现并很快发展成跨国收养中前所未有的规模。由此,这些被收养的中国儿童在美国如何构建他们的身份认同的问题急需被研究探索。由于这一问题本身的多面性,用于分析的理论框架也必须是多面的。因此,在理论上,心理学领域的身份认同构建理论和身份认同阶段范例将与社会学领域对少数族裔群体族裔身份认同的研究理论相结合,用于分析这一问题。此外,在实地研究上,美国白人做出何种努力以及如何做出这些努力来帮助被收养的中国儿童构建身份认同将通过对田野研究材料的分析得出。通过结合理论与实地研究,最大限度地对这一问题做一个全面的研究探索。 本论文通过将心理学与社会学领域的理论相结合来分析在美国成长的被收养中国儿童的身份认同构建,得出的结论是半忧半喜的。喜的是美国白人养父母做出了巨大的努力来培养他们收养的中国儿童对中国文化的认识,这一努力纠正了过去无视跨国收养儿童出生国文化而产生的收养儿童出现身份认同危机的问题。 忧的是,美国白人养父母所采用的方式有问题。美国白人养父母一般通过对中国文化的想象,庆祝各种中国传统节日,以及购买与中国文化有关的产品来对他们收养的中国儿童进行中国文化教育。这样的教育方式只能提供片面的中国文化,并且在深层次上更反映出美国白人养父母本身对华裔少数族裔的偏见和固有看法。 尽管是半喜半忧,对于美国白人收养中国儿童现象以及这些中国儿童在美国如何构建身份认同问题的越来越多的研究讨论为未来变化带来希望。随着这些儿童正在进入青少年和成年,在不远的将来,已长成人的这批中国儿童如何看待自己成长在白人社区的身份认同以及他们会对他们的白人父母所做出的努力有何种反应都将是未来研究的方向。
[Abstract]:The multidimensional nature of identity studies makes the study of identity in various fields focus on some aspects of identity. The field of psychology and sociology pays most attention to the issue of identity. However, the perspective of the two research is not very similar, or sometimes relative. Psychologists pay more attention to the analysis from the individual psychological level. Sociologists are more concerned about how groups build their identities at the macro social level. The phenomenon of white American adoptions of Chinese children only appeared in 1990s and quickly developed into an unprecedented scale in intercountry adoptions. The question of how these adopted Chinese children construct their identity in the United States needs to be studied and explored urgently. Because of the multifaceted nature of the problem itself, the theoretical framework for analysis must also be multi-faceted. In theory, the theory of identity construction in the field of psychology and the paradigm of identity stage will be combined with the research theory of ethnic identity of ethnic minorities in the field of sociology to analyze this problem. In field research. What kind of efforts and how white Americans make to help adopted Chinese children to build their identity will be obtained through the analysis of field research materials, and through the combination of theory and field research. To the maximum extent of this problem to do a comprehensive study and exploration. This thesis combines the theories of psychology and sociology to analyze the identity construction of adopted Chinese children growing up in the United States. The conclusion is half-sad and half-happy. Happily, white adoptive parents in the United States have made great efforts to cultivate their adopted Chinese children's understanding of Chinese culture. The effort corrects a crisis of identity in adoptions that have ignored the culture of the country in which intercountry adoptions were born. The worry is that there is a problem with the way white adoptive parents in the United States use. White American adoptive parents generally celebrate traditional Chinese festivals by imagining Chinese culture. And the purchase of products related to Chinese culture to educate their adopted Chinese children in Chinese culture. Such education can only provide one-sided Chinese culture. It also reflects the American white adoptive parents' prejudice against ethnic minorities. Half happy and half sad. Growing research into the adoption of Chinese children by white Americans and how these Chinese children build their identity in the United states offers hope for future change. As these children move into adolescence. Years. In the near future. How the adult group of Chinese children view their identity as a white community and how they react to the efforts of their white parents will be the direction of future research.
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